Title: Ryo’s Parents Never Hugged Him as a Child
Universe: JE/NewS/KAT-TUN
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: NewS, with focus on Tegoshi, Shige, and Ryo (also mentions of various KAT-TUN and Arashi members)
Warnings/Spoilers: The whole RPS thing should be a big old screaming warning on its own, yes?
Word Count: 1,321
Summary: Tegoshi tries to prove a point.
A/N: Quickie 30-min ficcie before I run to the post office and class. I also just want to say that I love Ryo. I LOVE HIM AND HIS MEANNESS IT IS MADE OF FACE-SLAPPING HONESTY AND FUNNY.
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I wish constantly.
Distribution: Just lemme know.
“Ryo-tan has no bad intensions, so don’t be angry, ne, Shige?” Tegoshi implored early one morning, right after Ryo had walked into the dressing room, looked at Shige, said “looking at you makes me want to vomit” to Shige’s face, and then turned around and walked right back out again.
“That’s comforting,” Shige drawled.
“He’s actually very nice.”
“Huh,” Shige said noncommittally, and fixed his hair.
Tegoshi put on his resolute face. “I’ll prove it!”
And then he pumped a fist in the air in determination before sitting down and thinking very long and hard about how he was going to pull this off.
“Ryo-tan likes puppies!” was the argument Tegoshi decided to start off with, because only nice people liked puppies.
“Really!” he added after a beat, because he felt the need.
Shige and Koyama looked uncertain.
Masu tried to be diplomatic around things. Nearby, they all watched Ryo stare at the puppies while the puppies cowered in fear in the corner. “I’m sure he likes them lots,” Masu said nicely, cocking his head to the side. “It’s not his fault if they don’t like him back ne?”
“Right,” Tegoshi agreed, relieved.
The puppies began snarling.
Ryo snarled back.
“Ryo-tan makes all the girls laugh,” Tegoshi said next, right before their SC skit with KAT-TUN was supposed to start.
“Okay,” Yamapi responded, because he was standing right beside Tegoshi and figured it would be rude not to respond. He blinked. Twice. Then, “I don’t understand what’s going on.”
“Nevermind,” Koyama and Shige said in tandem. They figured he was better off not knowing.
Yamapi just laughed. “You guys make me laugh.”
They went onto stage then, and KAT-TUN entered from the other side. Kame hosted the skit using his “I-am-God” voice, and they all played a stupid-yet-amusing game together for the benefit of the shrieking audience.
When Ryo’s team lost, Ryo promptly called Ueda a horse-faced douche-bag and stormed off the stage.
The girls all laughed.
“See?” Tegoshi said, imploringly.
“Ah,” Koyama and Shige murmured, and weren’t quite sure what else to say.
“Ryo-tan really cares about his bandmates!” Tegoshi tried, after that.
“Um,” Shige began.
Koyama laughed nervously.
Tegoshi pouted when no one agreed with him. “What?”
“He threw pebbles at me yesterday.” Shige explained, and Koyama nearly had an aneurism when Shige admitted that out loud to poor, hopeful Tegoshi.
“E-eh? R-really?” Tegoshi murmured, and his bottom lip began to tremble at the thought that he was wrong and Ryo wasn’t such a nice guy after all. Koyama quickly slapped a hand over his eyes because he didn’t want to see the tears.
Masu tried to be diplomatic about things again, because he hated it when Tegoshi cried too. “He threw pebbles at you yesterday,” he repeated calmly, to Shige. “But I saw him throw rocks at Taguchi afterwards.”
Koyama hopped right on board with that notion. “That’s definitely worse! Yay member love!”
“See?” Tegoshi implored, and was still very hopeful.
Shige sometimes wished he was not the smartest one here.
“He stopped a fight between Matsumoto-san and Akanishi yesterday!” Tegoshi declared a week later, sounding very sure of himself this time.
Shige had to give it to Tegoshi for persistence, and supposed that in a way, Ryo had stopped the fight. Sort of. Shige remembered that Jin and Jun had been arguing loudly and obnoxiously in the middle of the hallway that afternoon, and since they were blocking the way, Ryo couldn’t get through to reach the bathroom. He’d gotten irritated and impatient after the seventh or eighth use of “I hate you!” as a comeback, and so he’d turned to Jin first and said, “He makes fun of you because you’re dumb.” Then he’d turned to a smirking MatsuJun and said, “I wish your group could sing or dance. Either would be fine if you can’t do both.” Jun had stopped smirking after that.
But more importantly, it gave them pause in their quarrel long enough for Ryo to get by, and Shige wondered if Tegoshi knew that the two had just started fighting all over again right after that.
But Yamapi chimed in before Shige could say anything. “I remember that! The quiet lasted for a whole two seconds!” he said cheerfully, and with no pretense whatsoever. “It was nice.”
Tegoshi blinked.
And then he sighed and pouted and turned around and walked off in search of something different with which to prove Ryo-tan’s niceness.
Shige looked at an oblivious Yamapi and supposed that he was glad to know that Tegoshi at least understood the way some things in this world worked. He thought that it would be hard in the future for the kid if he didn’t.
Tegoshi didn’t bring up any more farfetched good-points about Ryo for a while after that, and somewhat relieved, Shige just assumed that the younger boy had given up. He’d put forth a valiant effort and all that, but really, sometimes some things just couldn’t be done.
And truth be told, Shige was pretty relieved at the whole thing being over and done with, because trying to find warm and fuzzy puppy thoughts about Ryo had even begun hurting his head a little bit, despite the fact that he considered himself one of the more imaginative members of NewS.
But as it turned out, he was wrong and Tegoshi was just thinking. Tegoshi could be smart when he took the time to think properly about things, after all. Sometimes Shige thought that it wasn’t fair that Tegoshi was pretty and could sing and could think if he just tried to. Not many people they knew could do all those things.
A few weeks later, Tegoshi finally had his irrefutable evidence. Apparently.
“I know!” he declared brightly that morning, right after Ryo had walked by and casually mentioned how Shige’s hair reminded him of the carcass of a dead and rotting animal he’d once found on one of the country roadsides near his grandparents’ ancestral home.
“Know what?” Shige sighed, and patted his bangs down a little bit. It was about time to get them cut, he thought. Maybe.
Tegoshi beamed. “Ryo-tan is good at archery.”
A beat.
Shige coughed, and thought that maybe he had been wrong about Tegoshi and thinking after all. He wasn’t quite sure what he should say.
Koyama raised his hand first. “Ah, Tegoshi… what does that have to do with Ryo being nice?”
Tegoshi blinked.
Shige wondered if all that thinking had fried his brain or something. Or the product. That might have done it.
But then the younger boy’s blink turned into something more along the lines of a “what, you don’t get it?” type of expression and his smile became just a little bit secretive. Not enough to annoy but just enough to entice, and Shige thought that Tegoshi was getting a little too good at that as well.
“It has everything to do with it!” Tegoshi began, sweetly.
Koyama stared. “I don’t get it.”
Tegoshi put his hands on his hips. “Because Ryo-tan hasn’t shot any of us yet!”
Shige thought about that. Koyama looked like he was thinking very hard about it too. From the couch, where Masu was munching on instant taiyaki, the sound of chewing even stopped for a little while. Shige could only assume Masu was thinking as well. Or he had run out of taiyaki.
After a while, Shige sighed and figured it made sense when you thought about it. He threw his hands up and admitted defeat. “Fair enough.”
Tegoshi sparkled at the capitulation. “Yay! Ryo-tan love!” he chirruped, and then bounced off towards wardrobe in search of shiny accessories.
Shige went back to fixing his makeup and supposed that in the end, Tegoshi’s point wasn’t one he could argue with in all fairness.
Because if he was as good at archery as Ryo was, he probably would have shot someone by now.