Bleach Drabble (227-230)

Oct 23, 2005 23:33



Title: Talk to Me
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Chad, Ichigo (slightly ChadxIchigo), Ishida
Word Count: 533
Warning/s: No spoilers I can think of… ?
Summary: Chad and Ichigo have a language all their own.
Dedication: Greg- thanks for the donuts you evil bastard.
A/N: Because yeah, I haven’t really written a ChadxIchigo sort of thing in a long while, have I? And yeah, still on my yaoi kick so there’s a little bit of that implied somewhere in here… if you choose to look at it that way I suppose. ^^

Words aren’t necessary between the two of them anymore, and even if they were, Chad is uncertain if any such unit with fixed, pre-ascribed meanings would be sufficient to convey what he feels for the other boy in the first place.

So he doesn’t really bother with things like words when it comes to the important things about Ichigo, and the two of them still manage to understand one another just fine regardless.

Because to Chad, something like Ichigo’s hand on his shoulder, fingers squeezing very gently, is a reassurance that can’t be properly voiced, that he can’t quite translate into words without losing some of the meaning.

Likewise, the fluttering of the other boy’s eye, the sound of his breath, the tensing and relaxing of his muscles, every movement and gesture Ichigo makes is a message to Chad that he understands not with his mind or with words, but rather with something inexplicable that has been deeply ingrained into every cell of himself. Everything Ichigo does is a transmission Chad responds to with pure instinct, without thought or hesitation. There is something here between the two of them that exists beyond the bounds of mere vocalization.

No one else understands this secret language of theirs but them, and Chad thinks that he wouldn’t be able to explain it at all if anyone ever asked, because there just aren’t words enough in the world to properly describe everything a twitch of Ichigo’s brow means, to convey the intentions behind a certain movement of the other boy’s hands or the focus of his gaze. Chad understands what all of these wordless messages are, knows the nuances and the variables between each and every one.

And so he knows that they’re all impossible to explain.

“Che, what’s his problem today?” Ishida asks come lunchtime on one warm Monday afternoon, the Quincy eyeing Ichigo distastefully as the orange-haired shinigami sits with his arms folded behind his head, ignoring the archer as he leans against the wall and stares out towards the sky.

Chad sits down beside Ichigo and silently begins unpacking his lunch, noting the thoughtful arch of his friend’s brow, the lazy curve of his throat. He sees the far off quality of brown eyes and feels the aura of relaxed contemplation that surrounds Ichigo, all of which compel him to answer Ishida with a gentle, “Nothing.”

Ishida spares the both of them a strange look at Chad’s unexpected answering of his inquiry, and after a moment of studying his two friends, the Quincy mentally shrugs to himself, moving to eat his own food.

From beside him, Chad feels, feather light, the pressure of Ichigo’s shoulder brush against his. Wordlessly, he opens his yakisoba pan and pushes back just a little bit.

After a while, Ichigo’s eye shifts towards Chad and the other boy feels the very edge of his lip twitch ever so slightly upward as he bites into his lunch bread and thinks, “Me too,” in response to everything Ichigo is telling him with that look right now.

And then Ichigo’s gaze turns back towards the sky, neither of them saying anything for the rest of the free period.

They don’t have to.



Title: Genepool
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: IsshinxRyuuken, IchigoxIshida
Word Count: 322
Warning/s: No spoilers, but lots of goofy oocness. -_-;; Er, and mansex.
Summary: Sort-of-but-not-really companion piece to #226 (Our Happy Home)- Ichigo and Ishida fear the future.
Dedication: The IchixIshi fans, since I haven’t written this pairing in like, OMG forever? O.o
A/N: Talked to my dad on the phone yesterday about the inevitability of the genes I’ve gotten from him. Sort of depressing, but at the same time, fodder. FODDER. *has no shame whatsoever*

“If this is how you’re going to be in twenty years I want out now.”

Ichigo scowled at the other teenager. “Yeah well, you in twenty years ain’t lookin’ so hot either,” he countered, leaning back against the doorframe and crossing his arms, unable to look away from the scene about to play out before them.

Both boys sat quietly by and watched as Isshin jumped on Ryuuken from the stairway with a cry of “Okaeri!!” loud enough to shake the walls, tackling the elder Ishida before he had a chance to properly dodge and sending them both tumbling onto the couch as a result.

“Get off, you idiot!”

“That was the plaaaan Ryuu-chan. Teeheehee.”

“I will not stand to be manhandled like this and with such vulgarity! Remove your hands immediately and…..mppph…”

Ichigo and Uryuu both winced and hastily closed the door to the living room.

Having watched with barely concealed horror, the entire episode of Isshin patiently waiting on the stairs for Ryuuken’s return from the clinic--up until its culmination on the couch anyway-- both boys couldn’t help but wonder if what they had just witnessed was a peek into a frightening, inevitable future.

Ichigo rubbed at the back of his neck uncomfortably at the thought, eyeing his equally disturbed companion. “Um… we’re not slaves to our genes?” he offered weakly after a moment, not completely convinced of the statement himself.

Ishida sighed and pushed his glasses up on his nose a little higher before declaring very determinedly, “I’m never having sex with you again.”

Ichigo blinked at that. “Wait… what?”

“Stopping the problem at its root,” the Quincy explained.

“Hey, how the hell is that gonna…”

A sudden, ill-timed, “Nnnnngh!!!!” from the living room killed Ichigo’s protests in his throat.

Defeated, he hung his head and muttered, “Yeah. Yeah… that’s probably for the best.”


And then, “Um. I’m going to call someone to get the couch cleaned.”



Title: Accept no Substitutions
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Hitsugaya+Matsumoto (ish)
Word Count: 495
Warning/s: No big spoilers, just minor ones for Gin and Rangiku backstory.
Summary: Histugaya maps out what he wants in his future woman.
Dedication: Jab- BOOBS.
A/N: Been a while since I wrote these two, so…here I go. Plus I got my yaoi kicks for that last review all out of my system, so some het was in order.

He’s decided that once he’s fully grown, he will only date women with small breasts.

And brunettes. Definitely only brunettes.

Girls who don’t like to drink.

Cute, short, plain-looking girls for him only.

And preferably girls who can cook and who don’t have any scary-ish type childhood friends, who respect his rank and aren’t so comfortable with their bodies that they consider nudity merely a phase in-between being dressed and nothing to be ashamed of at all.

He’ll definitely only date girls younger than him, maybe even only ones with short hair.

Because Hitsugaya Toushirou doesn’t want anyone who’s anything like his vice-captain. He just doesn’t think he can really deal with anyone who is similar to Matsumoto after everything she’s put him through.

And so he sits and writes out this list to keep until the day he’s fully grown, thinking to himself that in the future, he will only be able to seriously date a younger brunette with short hair and small breasts, who can cook and is modest and can’t hold her liquor and doesn’t know who Ichimaru Gin is at all.

Those are his absolute stipulations as he sits at his desk and works today, while Matsumoto naps languidly on his couch, the occasional sensual sound or movement from her distracting him from his paperwork.

And so he’s decided he has to make this list now, while he’s still young and not fully grown, because he thinks he’s almost, almost there and he doesn’t want to be caught by surprise when adulthood is truly upon him and find himself just going for what’s familiar to him, for any blonde, busty older woman who happens to remind him of the one he’s spent a good amount of his youth hanging around.

This way he’s prepared for when he’s fully grown, for when his hormones go out of control. He can tell himself now, while he’s still partially rational, what he is supposed to want in a girl.

And that’s everything Matsumoto’s not.

Because he thinks that after everything they’ve been through together, his lovely vice-captain has officially ruined him for every other girl out there that’s like her but not her.

So he knows he’d better go for a woman that’s absolutely nothing like Mastumoto to be safe, to be fair to that other girl he’ll one day date once he’s fully grown.

Because if he doesn’t, if he loses his head in all those hormones and chooses someone who’s anything at all like his vice-captain, he knows that the only thing that girl can truly ever be to him is a pale imitation.

So he’d better tell himself now, before it’s too late, that Matsumoto is exactly the opposite of everything he wants.

She sighs and rolls onto her side on the couch then, nuzzling up against the cushions and murmuring softly in her sleep.

He swallows and turns back to his list and hopes that it isn’t already too late.



Title: Unsung Hero
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Aizen
Word Count: 482
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society arc and beyond.
Summary: No one understands genius in its time.
Dedication: antiparallel- something about the “nice evil guy” comments we were making back and forth to each other spawned this. I can’t really explain how. O.o
A/N: There is something charming about Aizen’s evil that I can’t quite get over, and I can’t help but think that he’s got his own spin on everything in that devious head of his somewhere too. You know how these things are. ^^;;

He did it for world peace.

And if anyone were to take the time to stop and think about it, to question Aizen Sousuke’s motives and perhaps, ask him about why he ended up doing what he did, he would, without hesitation, answer, “I did it for world peace.”

Because that’s all he ever really wanted in the end, a place where the constant fighting and attacking and killing and anger and grief could be wiped away.

A world where Hollows and shinigami could understand each other.

Become each other.

Because Aizen always did believe that the answer to solving any sort of dispute was to walk a mile in the other person’s shoes, and as far as he was concerned, shinigami who didn’t understand what being a Hollow was like and Hollows that didn’t understand what it was like to be shinigami would never be able to get along.

And Aizen wanted nothing more than peace. To stop the fighting forever.

He believed he could create that world.

And that was why he did what he did in the long run, because he’d always dreamed of a world without violence where everyone could understand each other and live together happily based on that understanding.

And maybe the rest of the shinigami didn’t get it quite yet, calling him murderer and traitor and all other form of hurtful names, but Aizen supposed that all the greatest visionaries were misunderstood in their own lifetimes, and this was no different. But he surely felt that all of that would change once the death gods of seireitei were forced to open their eyes and see exactly, what his grand scheme was.

Nothing less than world peace.

And so for now, he endured their defamation, turned the other cheek towards their miniscule attempts to stop him, to catch him, to kill him. Because he understood, as a visionary, that not everyone could be like him, could see as far ahead as he could. He would just have to sit patiently by and endure their anger until he could make them see for themselves that everything he did, no matter how despicable at the time, was all towards a far greater purpose.

And that was why he could not stop to mourn every death he caused, could not afford to sit and waste time thinking about the bodies that piled up around him as he moved step by step, closer to his ultimate goal.

One had to be able to look beyond the death he caused and towards the future to fully understand him.

Everything he did, everyone he hurt, all the people he killed, were sacrifices. Inevitable and necessary. And when you looked at the big picture, a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things, really.

There were much more important things to worry about.

Aizen Sousuke was trying to save the world.



isshin, matsumoto, chad, ryuuken, ichigo, ichigoxishida, bleach, hitsugaya, isshinxryuuken, ishida, aizen

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