Eyeshield 21- "Crime and Punishment"

Jan 04, 2007 12:18

Title: Crime and Punishment
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: lightly JyuumonjixSena, Hiruma, Yukimitsu, Monta
Word Count: 498
Warning/s: None I can imagine
Summary: Sena has more than his own team’s welfare riding on his back.
Dedication: sw_inku’s request on my other lj! Are you feeling better yet, m’dear?
A/N: The request was “punishment.” Thanks to my brother for telling me what positions turn into what when characters have to play both ways.

Everyone who isn’t Hiruma is beginning to see a pattern in the flow of the Devilbats’ games.

Hiruma is only omitted from the aforementioned group because he’s already known about the pattern for months now. It goes something like this:

Offensive play- a linebacker tackles Sena.

Defensive play- Jyuumonji tackles the linebacker-turned-fullback. And crushes him.

Offensive play- Sena blocks so Monta can receive, and gets knocked over by a cut block from the defensive back.

Defensive play- Jyuumonji tackles the defensive-back-turned-receiver. And crushes him.

Offensive play- Sena dodges the linebackers but gets taken out by the safety. The safety sneers down at him and spits in the dirt near his hand.

Defensive play- Jyuumonji picks up the safety-turned-runningback. And crushes him. Hard.

“It’s like a heat seeking missile,” Yukimitsu marvels.

“That breaks people’s legs,” Monta adds, as they wait for the ambulance to arrive during the injury timeout the other team called. They all hear the wail of sirens and the receiver winces in sympathy. “It would suck to go out like that just for an exhibition game.”

“Mm,” Yukimitsu agrees, and does well to stand far away from Jyuumonji.

Hiruma is as unperturbed as ever, and simply grins before taking Sena aside.

“Y-yes?” the small runningback asks, and looks rightfully nervous at being asked to talk one-on-one with Hiruma.

“That’s too bad about the guy’s leg, huh?” Hiruma starts, innocuously.

Sena nods. “It’s horrible when people get injured.” Pause. “But it’s not Jyuumonji-san’s fault!” he feels the need to add, in case Hiruma is implying something.

The blond’s eyes glint, dangerously at the smaller boy’s ready defense of his teammate. “You’re right,” the quarterback agrees, somewhat unpredictably. “It’s not his fault.”

Sena breathes in relief.

“It’s your fault.”

Sena tenses right back up again-eyes wide as saucers. “What do you mean it’s my fault?!”

Hiruma grins. “You have an attack dog,” he drawls, and points over to Jyuumonji, who is over by the bench drenching his head in cold water before shaking it off fiercely. Not, unlike a dog, really. When the blond looks up and sees Sena watching him, he offers a vaguely crooked smile before he realizes what he’s doing and quickly looks away.

Sena blinks.

“An attack dog?” he murmurs, before turning back to Hiruma in confusion. “What does that mean?”

“Every time you get hit,” Hiruma explains, “your dog attacks.”

He waits a moment then, to let Sena put all the pieces together himself- to remember every play of the game.

Three…two…one. The runningback’s eyes widen.

Hiruma’s grin broadens, and he slaps Sena on the back, hard enough to send the smaller boy stumbling forward a couple of steps. “Their welfare is in your hands,” he declares. “Better run faster.”

And then he cackles and heads back to the bench to plan his next move.

Sena watches the EMTS rushing onto the exhibition field with a stretcher and an oxygen tank.

He swallows and wonders if Jyuumonji-san can be taught to heel.



jyuumonjixsena, sena, hiruma, yukimitsu, eyeshield 21, monta, jyuumonji

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