Feb 03, 2005 15:01
So, since when do I have journalism on Tuesdays? I asked myself this question today as I was walking up to my classroom to find it dark and empty. I opened my note book to double check thatI had the right day and much to my dismay I had missed class because it was on Tuesday. Granted it was only the second class, but honestly I'm usually more on top of things that this!! Especially when it comes to my classes. I feel like a complete idiot, who the hell screws up their class schedule? I only hope is that my professor will accept the article late. I worked really hard on it too! If it were physically possible for me to kick myself in the face and the ass at the same time I would absolutely be doing it right now! To make matters worse my dad and him know and don;t really like eachother, so that just me and my dad look bad by me missing class and not even realizing it until two days later! I'm going to try and fax him my article along with a letter of explaination and apology. I juat can't believe how dumb I have been in the past few weeks! It kind of makes me laugh now, it's just so ridiculous! Ok, my brother is bitching at me to take him so, I think I'll do that and make up something to tell dad when I get home.