Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
In honor of me getting back the internet, and
irej24 being the one to tag me, I'll do it. But I ain't tagging anyone else...
1. I will not use any fingernail clippers anyone else has used. Nathan has a huge collection of my rejected fingernail clippers that I won't use because someone else used them. It's just... gross.
2. I don't bite my fingernails... I tear them off. It's really weird.
3. I also peel the dead skin off my lips... it's a weird habit I have always done. My lips HAVE to be smooth. I've gotten better in recent years, reaching for a tube of carmex instead of abusing my poor lips, but I still do it.
ETA: Adding the two that Nathan came up with, since I couldn't come up with any more on my own.
4. She likes to press her nose up against my neck and breathe in and out really quickly, pause, then do it again until I either run away from her or beg her repeatedly to stop. It feels really strange and she knows I hate it but it wouldn't be a normal week if she didn't do it at least once.
5. She has these really strange word associations with cheese. I began to notice this right after we got married and it's pretty bizarre. If she hears any of these words in conversation she will automatically craze a different kind of cheese. For instance if I say "Pork chop" her first thought is macaroni and cheese. If I say "Grandpa" she begins to think of a slice of cheddar. If she hears the word "Christmas" enough times she will think, cheeseball. There are more than just these. For fun I may list them sometime.
Not tagging anyone, because I have no idea who has done it and who hasn't. If you want to do it, consider yourself tagged.