Mar 23, 2005 11:04
I hate days like this. I'm in an inexplicably vile mood today. Well, I take that back. I know exactly why I'm in a bad mood.
It started yesterday. Nathan said he was going to spend the day with me. So what does he do? He takes a four hour nap. At that point I was already mind-numbingly bored, and annoyed, and to sit there and stare at his sleeping back just grated my nerves.
I wanted to go out to the mall and walk, since the weather was too nasty for me to walk here, and maybe get a pretzel while I was there, windowshop, and generally just relax. But I couldn't, because the last five bucks needed to go for gas in the car. So I'm trapped and bored. Never a recipe for a good mood.
Then a friend came over, and he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He was just pissy, snappy, and generally defensive over nothing. Finally, he left.
And stayed gone.
All night.
Then the neighbor's yappy mother fucking dog starts yapping in that high-pitched hyperventilating manner all small dogs have. For ten minutes straight. I give up on sleeping, and get up. I find Nathan had never come to bed, probably hadn't come home at all until early this morning. This makes me more annoyed. He left me a note apologizing for his attitude, and saying he'd done me some laundry and cleaned up a little to make up for him being an ass. This made me feel somewhat better, but my mood was already sour. Add this to the fact that the cats are streaking around the house, knocking things over, running back and forth, and generally making nuisances of themselves, and its just not improving. And now that damn dog is barking. AGAIN. At absolutely NOTHING.
I'm irritated, feeling claustrophobic, and I'm damn near ready to KILL the cats. I've already locked them out of the bedroom for an hour or so just to get them away from me.
I'd go back to bed, since I didn't sleep worth a damn without Nathan there, but I can't. The fucking dog next door is still yapping.
The damn cats keep taking smelly shits in the litter box, and I can't clean them out, so I have to sit here and suffer through the stench, in SPITE of the fact that there's a great breeze blowing that should theoretically clear out the smell.
At least the weather's nice, and I've got both windows open in here. There's a cool breeze blowing through, that nice temperature that's almost too cold, but isn't. You can wear either a t-shirt or a sweatshirt, depending on your mood.
Bah. I want some beef jerky. Some nice, tough cow meat that I can gnaw on and work out some frustrations on.
And that damn dog is STILL FUCKING BARKING. I need a fucking hot dog with some tylenol PM.