For those who missed it, LJ has enabled cross-posting posts and replies to Facebook and Twitter, and about 10,000 people have, shall we say, vigorously chimed in with their various privacy concerns: As for me, I like the idea of the feature, but I am absolutely opposed to its implementation as it stands right now. So far, no substantial response from LJ except "thanks for your input, we'll get back to you," and that was a week ago.
As a permanent account member, I'm torn - LJ's my home, and I paid for the privilege, but LJ's lack of response is reprehensible, IMHO. I don't really want to move to another service like Dreamwidth, even if I'm still cross-posting here (comments disabled, 'natch). As a perm, though, I really don't have any bargaining position - hell, they'd probably like it if I left, 'cause I'm sucking up bandwidth without being a continuous revenue stream.
So, all that said, I'm curious what other perm members think about this latest development, and what their reaction may or may not be. (And, of course, I ask we keep it civil on either side.)