Apr 11, 2006 18:10
♥ al0ha!
je m'appelle: richelle dianne marie abbott
Birthdate: march 04
Birthplace: St. John's
Living In: Shoal Harbour.
Thyne Folks: Shelley Abbott & Rick Abbott [el.splitzville.]
Siblings: Katelyn-Woozle.
Pets: Carmel. Golden Retreiver. Lives with Pa'. Has my heart.
School: CHS. word, or something.
Five Random Facts:
1) Sometimes, if there's an e-mail address left in the space from the computers previous user at hotmail.com, and you hi-light it, in order to type over it without having to backspace, you get half-way through your e-mail address, and it clears/erases. it pisses me the fuck off.
2) I have a shower-radio in my bathroom that i listen to [i]allll[/i] of the time. i really hate most of the music played on the radio, but i veryveryverymuch enjoy singing like an asshole. I know all of the words to the music they play. it's actually quite sad, although i believe that my knowing the words to everything, old and new, is very fun.
3) i am a complex being. i'm slightly obsessive-compulsive when it comes to odd things. i hate throwing things out. if its free, i'll usually take it, no matter what it is. although my room is hurricane katrina-esque, i know where most things are. when i sleep, the things on my bedside table are in a set order, unless i'm..well. y'know, if i'm woozy i may not bother. but, i have a method to my madness.
4) i am awesome at games. especially television & nintendo games. when it comes to super nintendo and nintendo 64, i am king. not even queen, just king.
5) i can cook! i manage to screw things up once in a while, but i like cooking and screwing around in the kitchen. i also really enjoy setting things on fire, and throwing things. no joke.
i hate oil spills and other forms of minor/major disaster.
«3. richelle.