[In the library car sitting Indian style in one of the rather plush chairs that was definitely meant to sit a bear of a person sits the horribly dwarfed Echizen Ryoma. He's scowling at yet another chair, partner to the one he is currently sitting in, arms over his chest.]
I don't believe you. How is that even possible?
[Yeah sadly he makes it a
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...who're you talking to?
A ghost. Can't see it?
...that little cloud?
Echizen just nods.]
They're all around the train. Just have to know where to look.
[Then again why would you want to look to see the little wisps of black clouds all over the place. At least the colored clouds look like clouds of fog about the size of a basketball. Easier to distinguish.
I didn't recognize it as a ghost...all the ones I've seen before have looked more or less human.
[He's looking back at the cloud.]
Now explain. And don't tell me to try it again.
You don't have to be so rude.
Still... He heard that.]
Mada mada dane.
[Japanese for 'you still have a long ways to go' and he means on making quiet remarks like that.]
Bonvolu paroli la anglan. Serioze.
[he figures you're not the only one who can speak a weird language. Have 'Please speak English. Seriously.' in Esperanto. the mun thinks.]
That doesn't sound like Italian or Spanish.
[Then again brat only knows the prayers in different languages, he's only well versed in English and Japanese as they're his native tongues.]
It's Esperanto. Partly based on the Romantic languages.
[The cloud starts drifting toward Sena, not in a threatening manner, snagging Echizen's attention again.]
[He smiles, not really disturbed by this at all.]
He just snorts and tugs his hat lower over his eyes.]
If you explained it I would do it.
...I don't mind, I guess. What do you want me to do?
"Hold your arms out and verify they are of the same length down to the fingertips. Bend one of your elbows so your hand is near your ear then with the other hand rub that elbow a few times. Then outstretch your arms and measure them again. The one you rubbed should be a shorter length."
Ryoma just sits there and listens, elbow on the arm rest.]
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