(no subject)

Jun 23, 2009 17:19

[So. After 9001 years, and after Moro finally returns to the Permanent Way, Colbert's really bored. I mean really. Not much to do on this train except wander around looking for a way out, find a conductor, or even sit in a random room and weep like a wuss. And he's done plenty of all three. So, what's a bored Jedi to do?

Watch Colbert sitting at a random bar somewhere on the train, using his Force powahs to pull a few liquors out of their respective bottles and juggle the blobby liquor balls and their emtpy bottles around like an idiot.]

Heh. Liquor blobs.

...I grow tired of this.

[Sigh. And with that, he drops his Force techniques and lets the blobs and bottles fall onto the floor, leaving the train car's floor very soggy and covered with broken glass. Bother him?]

stephen colbert (star wars), § dropped - kyon (pokémon)

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