Vol. IV; #002

Nov 26, 2007 03:56

Black Friday wasn't nearly as dark and foreboding as I thought it would be. The night before, Brandon hit me up on Facebook and asked if I could come in two hours earlier than I was scheduled for. I really had no problem with that so I did. Showed up at 8am and after fixing my password problem, I started my duties which basically entailed me passing out and explaining our sales paper and helping people with purchase/gift decisions (ie. explaining to a grandfather why Grand Theft Auto is not a good idea for a 6 year old). I actually met some really nice people. Some that I remember vividly are the cute school teacher that came in with her mother-in-law to buy Rock Band for her husband, the overly happy black guy that just made everyone feel good when he came in, the FFXI brothers et al. At no time during the day did I meet anyone difficult. Which made a certain aspect of my job harder. I'd found out when I clocked in that our entire stock of Wiis for the day had been sold 20 minutes after opening. So, telling all of these sweet people that came in that all of our Wiis were gone starting making me feel really bad after a while. I finally finished up my day but not before Laura came in to visit. Was tired when I got home. But, it wasn't so bad a day. From what Brandon and Jeff were saying, it was supposed to be a full store with all kinds of complaining people and whatnot. Where, in reality, we fluctuated between a hour or two of being full and then a straight hour of nobody shopping at all.

I was supposed to go in Saturday, but lack of fuel left me unable to make it. I contacted Brandon who let Jeff know. I work tomorrow (Tuesday 11/27) but I've actually forgotten what my shift is so I've gotta call in today and get that. Anyway, I didn't really do much Saturday other than catch up on Dexter which I sadly found myself left behind on. Thankfully, I've got Shotime OnDemand which let me catch up easily. So I did that. Sunday, I wrote in my notebooks. Worked on actually finishing up my stories. And. I'm actually starting to get pissed at myself that I've got so much I need to finish in there. But, gah. In due time. It's 4:10am by my system clock. An hour ago, I was talking to Rosa who couldn't sleep. We went from talking about aliens to whether or not we're already dead. I love our conversations. I truly do. I've got to work on some personal things today. Hope to get those done. Oh, and I've got to get some information from a friend I made on the SHH! Forums. He's sending me a copy of that Dark Knight-related mailing I missed out on. He's mailing it today and he's going to let me know what the shipping costs on it are. Shouldn't be much more than 2 bucks if even that much.

And I kinda have got a crush I need to evaluate. Damn.

EDIT: Welcome to my Eljay,
squirrelygurl. Sorry about not welcoming you an entry ago. :P
EDIT II: If anyone's interested, here's the Joker's vandalized version of the above site. The HaHaHa Times.
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