Oct 25, 2005 22:57
I've kind of always known this, but tonight makes it so much clearer.
my really bad, 'all of you go to hell' mood added to boredom and frustration with my own failure in the subject I had planned to spend my ..at least first career working in, was mostly destroyed by 10 minutes of picking apart the personalities and faults and making really harsh judgements about the lack of heart, in a group of people Hazel might occassionally call friends. personally i find them to be heinously emotionless, sarcastic, judgemental, with assumed superiourity complexes. they give the impression purposely or not, that people should be grateful for the oppourtunity to spend time within their presence. why? because they wear big boots and smoke. oh, but 'its sexy'. wha' eva. they're prats. I have heard rumours they have hearts but only shown to those deigned worthy of catching a glimpse.
this isn't the embittered rant of a rejected admirer. though it is annoying that they are really rather interesting to spend time watching, it isn't really that accurate either. its a slight exaggeration to say they are quite so cruel and unfeeling, they can just appear that way at times when you ignore many other aspects. and its more fun and relaxing to rant about how horrible they are from a morally superiour position I have assumed, even though one may say i have some of these faults myself. as I said, I have no soul. destroying my own mental image of people I don't even really dislike is really enjoyable. *sigh*