I've been bad.

Dec 02, 2005 22:21

Sorry for not updating in a while. I know it just tears you all up inside when you don't get to read about how stupid the BK customers are or how I once again spent a Thursday evening downtown with Jack doing the same thing we do every Thursday evening. You can all relax though, because I'm here, my customers are still assholes, and we did, in fact, have Thai and ice cream last night. The status quo remains in place for one more week.

The last few days have been pretty rough for me, and that's really why I haven't been posting. I don't like constantly whingeing at LJ about how omg teh hard my job is and how poorly I cope with the demands hurled at me every day. It just gets redundant, I think. "Monday: Avoided meltdown. Tuesday: Avoided meltdown. Wednesday: Barely avoided meltdown. Thursday: Thai and ice cream! Friday: I suck. Failed to avoid meltdown. Bitchbitchwhinemoan. Etc." That may not be how things have been coming across to everyone else, but that's certainly how it feels when I think about what I've been posting lately. So! I'll try not to dwell on work shit when I'm posting.

I've learned a few important lessons in the past few days, fortunately, so now that the initial feelings of drowning are gone, I've got something to act as a sort of silver lining. First, I learned that you really don't appreciate what self stimulation does for you until you stop doing it. I also learned that it is a bad idea to use myself as the guinea pig in experiments that can only have a really, really bad ending. Fortunately, Jack was home when things went to hell and I was able to send myself home for a series of very very tight hugs. <3 rib-cracking bearhugs.

Second, I learned that people are very adept at noticing things that are out of the ordinary, but are very bad at realising "I can't do this today, or I won't make it until five, and I mean it" is something that should be taken seriously. I also learned that being told "It's just Burger King, you have to learn to let it go" doesn't help any. (Growling "it's only Burger King, but that doesn't make me any less autistic" back probably doesn't help either, but no one seems to have heard/registered that one. Thankfully. >.< Probably not something I should say outside my own head.)

Third, I learned that I scratch my hands and don't realise it. This is, at least, the only explaination we have been able to come up with for the dry, red patches of skin and non-kitty scratches on the back of my right hand. My first thought was an allergic reaction, but I really don't know what I would be reacting to. I suppose I could have developed a sudden, inexplicable allergy to soda or something, but I seriously doubt it.

Fourth, I learned that the new crew leader is, in fact, my new manager. This worries me, because he seems to know very little about his job and to have the work ethic of one of the minors. Perhaps he will get better as he learns the role, perhaps he won't. It just worries me.

Fifth, I learned that the "my crew!" feelings I have for the afternoon gals is at least partially reciprocated. Our first day with our new managerling, people were coming to me with task/break/leaving questions. It felt really funny, to tell you the truth. Why on earth they think I would be giving the orders around there is beyond me. Then again, it feels funny to be viewing my crew as group I'm main tanking for. I feel the strangest desire to look out for my crew and make sure things go smoothly when we're on. Sadly, when things don't go smoothly it's almost always my fault.

Sixth, I learned that I still can't tell when the people on my crew are joking and when they're being serious. As a corollary, I've learned that they still don't know that my jokes are actually jokes. I have to work on that, I think. I guess my humor's just in need of retuning or something. Also, I have to keep in mind that I really am the only person there that plays Everquest, and probably am the only one that reads Livejournal. They will /not/ get jokes about Fansy the Famous Bard, people writing LJ posts and cutting themselves because their lives are hard and their parents didn't get them a Beamer for Christmas, or phat lewtz.

*stretch* It's been a good week for lessons, really. It's also been a good week for Everquest. Quind and Petrel are now level 48, and we're hoping to have 50 by Monday night. We're camping in The Hole (The Ruins of Old Paineel, but nobody calls it that) if anyone wants to drop by and visit us. Or buff us. <3 Just please don't train us, like the three or four people in there last night did. That wasn't cool, and Pet nearly got his arse killed. (Our camp is actually pretty close to this. *grin* The elementals are good experience over time or us, and the drops aren't too bad either. We've nearly got a full set of loam encrusted gear, which will probably be given to a cloth-caster twink before it's sold in the bazaar.

One of our guildmates has been powerlevelling a berzerker alt to come group with us, which I thought was pretty cool. We're getting to the point where we're going to be needing more direct damage than Quind and Petrel can dish out (as neither is a damage class, really. One's a tank/healer hybrid and the other is crowd control.) and Perky's zerker should be a really nice add-on. We're also going to be getting a shaman soon, I think, since we're catching up to another guildmate's alt-who-he's-been-meaning-to-level. I think this means I have to get my hands on a new computer soon, because we'll be getting dragged into the newer zones. Those make Linear cry. Our hunting partner of late, a newbie bard that Jack took under his wing, is sadly taking a break because of computer/connectivity issues, so we're back to our little duo. Not for long though. Last I checked the Perky-zerker was level 40 and climbing, so I expect we'll have a zerker sometime next week. After that, I wonder how long it'll be before we're getting dragged around the PoP expanion. *snicker* I suppose I should give in and buy Omens of War now, since Quind's getting to a level where he'd be able to use the zones/tasks/etc. I'll see. Maybe next payday.

Oh dear. It's a fluffle with a fetchball. I guess this means I have to stop rambling now.

work, eq

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