Dec 24, 2005 00:59
Because, although I am at home right now, and arrived last night, as of tomorrow I will no longer be at home. For tomorrow, we leave for Spain! Not a permanent, I'll never see you again sort of leave. This is more of a temporary, see you in two weeks type of leave. Which makes sense, as my family is taking a vacation to Spain for two weeks.
So, for all of you people from home that I want to see, this just isn't our time period. Hopefully, I'll be able to see most of you when I'm back in town on January 6th before I leave again on January 9th, but I don't know what the odds of that actually happening are...
Anyway, updates on my life:
-Despite insisting to my friends at school that I was going to do terribly in all of my classes this semester (read: get straight b's), it looks like I might retain my current GPA. (Sometimes, I love the engineering school's policy of not paying attention to + or - that come after grades...)
-I like cuddling. But am planning not to participate in that awesome past time for the rest of winter break, so that I can properly sort out my opinions on boys.
-Wash U is awesome, and all of you that are still at NT should clearly apply there. Resist the siren call of the East Coast!
-I want to enjoy my classes next semester, as well as stimulate my brain. Any interesting intellectual or quasi-intellectual exercises or projects that you can come up with would probably be appreciated on my part.
Happy holidays, all, and I look forward to seeing you at some point in this life. :)