ramtops and I were woken at 6am by the UPSen beeping. Damn, I thought, one the Tribe must have micturated on a powerblock again. Stagger downstairs to the CU: only the main trip gone; reset the thing and, hoping for the best, back upstairs to bed for another hour and a half of sleep.
Get settled. Doze off again. You guessed: darkness and another chorus of beepage from the study and the server room. Curse, rinse and repeat, with less hope this time. And yes, just as I manage to start to doze, more beeping, but this time it stops almost immediately and power remains. There’s also the distant noise of some sort of alarm from the street that sounds, then dies.
At least twice more before the Home Service comes on the bedside radio this happens: brief beeps, faint alarm noise outside, silence. I guess it’s the local substation playing silly buggers again: not the first time. Still, at least it didn’t happen at, say, 3am... The downstairs switch locked up, but hopefully that’s the only casualty.
A restful night.