
Oct 25, 2006 14:10

I have some more information about what happened.

Turned out the weapon was a 12 guage shotgun. The good news was he only had 2 shots loaded, I do not know if he had more aside somewhere, but I would assume so. So we were clear of danger, the second shot was not for me or even aimed in my direction, what flew past my ear was a fragment of Wade's skull and near supersonic speeds. The hole behind me was actually a nail hole upon today's inspection, the point of entry actually was flaring back, giving it away as a nailhole i had not seen before. It's not like I'm going to give into questioning to a hole in the wall behind me when shots are fired.

The majority of the blood in Wade's brain had been deposited into the rocks and the mat by the front entrance to the house, inside the house. there was a hole in the skylight, drenched in blood, several of the pellets were still strewn around before the crew could clean them up. I had to give the detectives permission to enter the house as I'm the only living tenant in that house, so temporary custody defaults to me.... which is gay, because I have to go back and see all the blood pools and splatters again today as I show JT's family around, I have the only working key, even more gay. Wade somehow fucked his up and JT always left the door unlocked and never kept his keys on him, I wonder if he lost his, but he's way to organized to lose his keys like I used to.

I have also finally managed to rationalize why the murder happened. The detectives told me not to bother. But I figured it out. For anybody familiar enough with psychology of people. Add this up

I have Attention Deficite Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
and Wade had ADHD.

JT has an alpha male personality, he stands tall and dominates a conversation that has anything to do with women, or around women, and spends his entire time talking about women. So when a woman is in the house, he will stand tall over everybody no matter what the cause.

Wade had a history of being babied by his mother until either he killed her and got away with it or she died 4 years ago. From this point on, series of unfortunate events rolled out for Wade. He rubber banded his mailbox shut with Vacant inside to avoid all mail and bills. He told the mail lady which I talked to to return all mail to it's sender. He probably had a seperate PO box for bills to come into and pay. He hadn't paid his property tax in 2 years. Was married to a really sweet girl, according to neighbors, who then later divorced him for reasons unknown, and spent the time after his marriage having sex with hookers and dropping the big bills at Rick's in North Seattle. He got fired from his previous job because he couldn't stop speeding and technically had his plumber's license revoked because he didn't pay the tickets off, but his current boss didn't know. He's also had to deal with my fallout on the Bathroom overgrowing in blackmold, but upon hearing my health degrading and me half dying of coughing in my sleep, he finally fixed it on a weekend. But life had started looking to be on the up and up for Wade, his boss gave him the company vehicle to get to and from work, he had always been very punctual. But recently his boss has been threatening to fire him over using the company vehicle for leisure as he hadn't fixed his own car.

Because JT didn't work that day, I doubt he took his aderal, he usually doesn't when he doesn't have to work. Wade, however I found an empty Straterra bottle and an empty generic form of Ritalin in his medicine cabinet. I am under the belief that Wade was taking the Ritalin and was just coming off of his medication when he came home. I used to take Ritalin when I was younger, I know exactly what was going through his head when he committed the attrocity. He was taking the same medications that caused me to have murderous and suicidal thoughts, feelings of lack of self worth for about an hour until the chemical imballance in your brain stabalizes to it's lower levels without the medication to make you focus. Unfortunately JT pushed him over the edge while he was going through these moments of withdrawl from the medication. He became bitter, and for the first time, ever, violent toward him. I saw the signs to back down, but due to JT's alpha male personality, he wasn't going to let it go until he won the argument to prove his point. This is where Wade made up his mind while storing off to his room to take his own life, unfortunately JT got in the way and he impulsively took JT's life as he was the aggressor. But again, if JT didn't confront him, I still do not know if Wade would of had more shells to shoot me and then reload and take his own life. It's something I'll never know, but considering the circumstances, I'm still lucky to be alive today, and I've done as much of my own detective work to come to a conclusion I believe in.

This information is my final verdict over what has happened in the house of Wade Tyler. at 6:23PM Octobor 23, 2006.

Rest in Peace to both Justin Horne and Wade Tyler. I know there is never an excuse for murder, but I have figured it out, and I understand. But you're still an idiot, Wade.
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