Apr 02, 2011 20:14

I have four fabulous mounts from AQ40 that cannot be used except for that ancient and dead place. Meanwhile in Tol Barad a Horde runs by on a bug-mount (what is it?) free to go wherever they please. The AQ Battle Tanks are long overdue for being able to be used anywhere, not technicolor placeholders. Why bother even having such interesting mounts if they're essentially unusable? Let us ride them around in battlegrounds or something if they're going to be zone-restricted? They are BATTLE tanks. ^_^

For those with the black battle tank, then Blizzard can just make it big and sparkly or something to make it even more different. A giant black bug the size of an Elekk or Kodo.

Well, it sounds like this...


...really bugs you.


блюпостеры молодцы )
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