Checking in to the Happiness Hotel...

Apr 04, 2013 17:52

Snagged from kellifer_fic.

1. What's making you happy in one of your fandoms right now?
2. What's making you happy in your personal life right now?
3. What's making you happy in your work/academic life right now?
4. Name one celebrity crush.
5. Name one food you currently enjoy.
6. Name one kind of fic that always makes you happy.
7. Name one pairing that historically makes you happy.
8. Be randomly happy.

1. In the Avengers movie fandom, the proliferation of material from the Marvel Phase One box set (which I don't own and can't afford) on the Web.
2. Having plenty of time to knit and watch movies on my recently acquired Blu-Ray player.
3. Nothing, as I have none, hence the free time (see above).
4. Jeremy Renner
5. Pineapple
6. Clint Barton/Phil Coulson first-time slash in the Avengers movie fandom.
7. Buffy/Spike anything. Or if you want to go really historical, Darcy/Lizzie. Or really really historical, John/Abigail Adams.
8. About the only way happy's coming my way lately...


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