May the odds be EVER in your favor...

Aug 28, 2011 23:31

Finished reading The Hunger Games. Loved it - everything I hoped the Twilight books, especially Breaking Dawn, would be and then some.

I must say that the Gamesmakers' last surprise at the Cornucopia, the one that took out the third tribute still standing, was the one that freaked me out the most. It suggests that the Capitol has an unguessed-at level of control over the people of the Districts, and it makes the fact that they do surgery to patch up the Hunger Games victor quite disturbing. The more I think about it, the more Haymitch's strategy of getting drunk and staying drunk seems like a winner.

Started on Catching Fire, which has the lurrve triangle set up nicely; our motley crew from District 12 has just gotten on the train for the Tour. I see by the IMDB that the role has gone to Donald Sutherland, which is a nice choice; but in my head-canon, the role of creepy, charming President Snow goes to Ray Wise (Leland of Twin Peaks fame, or the Devil of Reaper fame if you're too young for Classic TV). And I've never liked Woody Harrelson - he's always pushed the needle on my Creepy-Meter into the red - but I think he'll probably do right by Haymitch, who I'm liking more and more as the series goes on.

geekery, books, movies

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