Nov 25, 2004 22:40
Hey! hows life treating yall? Me...? I guess i'm ok, but i've been thinking and i I've concluded that I've been hard on everyone but more on Morgan. I guess I don't like the idea that he has new friends and I'm one of his old friends. And is my fault on one part for moving way away from everyone, but my mom and dad really like this house and... well... you can't do what you want everytime! Man... is just like when we had to move from houston to here, jonesboro... i really hated it cuz i didn't had any friends and... yeah. But then i found Amy and Morgan... and i was happy but i had to move... i hated it more this time cuz... i was just to this more that anything! I felt like this was the last time we were going to move, like we finally found a place that they like but i guess i was wrong! Well... back to the subject, I was talking to Amy on MSN and i was really upset about ... the same old thing... morgan not talking to me. I don't know what's wrong with me, i guess i'm in a really picking mood. I guess I was just to them been around me and only me, and just us four, going palces and having fun but... i don't know, I don't know was up?
I guess i'll just have to get all the thing that are flying in my head strait. And that another problem i can't seem to get anything strait now, i'm so confused about what i feel and think, I can't really do anything about it cuz i have one to talk about it or tell to. Tell that there's something inside of me telling me to do this, act this way, and think this way and i can't put it all strait. I just wish there was someone i could talk to about it, but i guess there's no one here that could help me with this thing that i have. That's another thing i hated about all this moving thing, i haven't stayed long enogh to make a really best friend i could call at 3 o' clock in the morning to say that i'm scared of this or that i need advise or that i just need to talk. I don't have one who knows me that well, that could say want i want to here when i'm depressed or when i feel sad. And that i wouldn't feel lonely like i feel right now cuz i would always have that best friend by my side... but the truth is that i don't have that someone that i want, that special friend.
Well... that's enoght of that talk i wan to cry now!But i jsut wan to say to Morgan( if you read this and to Amy too.) That i'm sorry for being a really bad friend! Love yall, for always and for ever. And i hope i don't move againg cuz... they are thinking about it! but i guess i'll be ok.
Well have to go for now i'll see-ya later!
Chica Loves Yall!
P.S. i'm not depressed just a little sad but i'll be just fine.