OMG --
Teledildonics! Now my dream of having a man around only when I need him can become a reality! (The prior statement does not pertain to George Clooney, Colin Firth or any other crush, who can stay in my bed anytime *weg*)
Okay, now that I have a goal, instead of just moping because I'm not at ComiCon...time for fivers! From last week, because I'm up too early for the new ones. And I didn't do last weeks. >_<
1. Tea or coffee?
Either, as long as it's decaf. And straight up (for tea) or skimmed with plenty o' Equal (for coffee)
2. Do you speak your mind?
It may seem so, because I often ramble and blather, but I rarely ever do. I fear and loathe confrontation, so my opinion has gotta be strong in order to voice it. Unless you're my friend, then I'll tell you what I think, because I trust that letting you know what I think won't take me to The Dark Place.
3. What is your escape?
Mmmm. The perfect escape is soaking in a tub with a few crap magazines and a huge vat of Crystal Light fruit punch (so much of it that my lips and tongue turn red from it). But since I don't have a tub, my second option is just holing up in my room with kitties.
4. When is the last time you cried?
Wow -- I actually have to think about this one! Go me! Hmmmm...over a month and a half ago, easy. A new record. Sweet!!!
5. What are your bedtime rituals?
I slather on some sort of face goo (Naturiste serum is my current glop), brusha-brusha, tinkle (TMI is my middle name), slather lotion on my feetsies (to avoid dried out flip-flop feet), read or watch TV for a bit, then crash.
Have you ever been to summer camp?
Yep, when I was a kid. And I loved it!
Have you ever made a s'more?
Indeed I have. But I go easy on the chocolate, and said chocolate has gotta be dark. One of those Ghirardelli squares is perfect.
Have you ever slept under the stars (no tent/tarp)?
Yes, and it's not all that comfy.
Have you ever had a member of the opposite sex sleep over at your house?
Wow. Are we twelve? Of course!
What type of bed do you have (queen, twin, bunk, etc.) ?
A queen size, with a spiffy metal IKEA one. Moved up from the bedframe/mattress thing and I'm never goin' back, baby!
Oops, new one. Here goes:
1. What item would you be embarrassed for people to know you own?
I'm not embarrassed about anything I own. Then again, I have no shame or pride, and my edit button is shaky at best. So there you go.
2. What is something you splurged on just for you?
Hmm. Clothes, mostly. Just bought a pair of Earl Jeans for 12 bucks. Oh, you mean *splurge* splurge? I guess my trip to Europe last summer.
3. What is something that you own with no real world value that is priceless to you?
The "My Pictures" file on my laptop. And my framed picture of Sissy. With his pants on.
4. Do you collect anything?
Not really; I'm not a fan of clutter, and since I'm a slob anything I'd collect would be strewn about the house. I do have an impressive (if that's the word ) collection of old Fangoria magazines though. I'd buy more, but I'd feel compelled to keep 'em, and then we get back to the strewn about the house thing....
5. What item belonging to a friend/family member do you covet?
Most probably the fantastic, positive relationships a few of my friends have with their significant others. But that's more of a "I'd like one of those too, sometime", not "I want yours". I'm not an "I want yours" person.
Off to prep for
plaidskies b-day party
please don't let me mess this up
What to wear? And when will those cupcakes be ready for pickup?
*still* creeped out, Plaid, btw