There's no telling
1. What troubles you?:
Depends on the day. Clowns, people with no common courtesy, senseless death, my own health crap, our sort-of elected president, whatever's on my mind.
2. Do you like thunderstorms?:
Yep, the're fantastical. I hate when the power goes out all friggin' night (or day), though.
3. Do you sleep easily or toss and turn?
Depends on the night. I usually don't toss & turn, but I have been waking up way too early sometimes, ending up with only 5 hours or so of sleep.
. What do you offer a friend?
Huh? You mean like a cupcake? 'Cause who doesn't love a cupcake? Well, it depends; what do they need? And can I truly provide it, or will I just end up causing more damage?
5. Friday fill-in:
Please don't eat the daisies.
Presents for everyone!
1) What was the best gift you received?
When a friend of mine took me on a shopping spree to Leesburg outlets right after I left my ex-hubby. And bought me *tons* of stuff; clothes, shoes, a new coat. Why? Because it was so completely unexpected. And it's not because of how much she spent, but because of the reason behind it. "I'm doing this for you so you can understand that you're worth good things. So always remember that." And so I have. That bit of positive thinking, and the feeling behind it, was the most amazing thing I've ever been given.
2) What was the worst gift you received?
A waffle maker, from my ex-hub. Nice idea, but he's the one who likes waffles. So it was "for me", but so I could make waffles for him. Happy Anniversary, baby!
3) What gift did you wish for, but never got?
True love. World peace. Okay, okay! I've wished for an 8 gig iPod(Red) nano. So I can sort my music for the gym/metro/whatever. And so I'd never have to do the "delete songs so I can add new ones" thing.
4) What was the best present you gave?
You mean the present someone appreciated/needed/wanted the most? I don't know!
5) What was the worst present you gave?
Um, probably when I've completely forgotten someone's birthday/event and got them nothing at all.