From the tasty, tasty chinese food I ordered a few nights ago: You love sports, horses and gambling, but not to excess
WTF? *sobs* It's like they don't even know me! Anyway. Petsitting in the city this week, and have gotten myself sucked in to Invader Zim. Victory for Zim!!! Plus, I love GIR, because...well, that's me.
Fivers -- whee!
What are your five favorite canonical romances?
You mean cannon as written/filmed, or cannon as how I see it? Oh, o-kay, fine. Then I'll leave out Sam & Dean from Supernatural...and Lex and Clark (though come on, really!) *weg*
1) Ron and Hermione: Yes. Yes, yes yes. Because they're so cute. And so real-teen-like. To all of those Harry/Hermione shippers, I!
2) James and Lily Potter: I love the flashbacks -- and I want to see more, especially how Lily came to love James. Such a bittersweet pair!
3) Lee (Apollo) and Kara (Starbuck): Yeah, it hasn't happened. But I know I'm not the only one who wants it to. And since little things like death never get in the way of genre shows, I'm sure they'll hook up eventually. Of course, a little old-school Apollo/Starbuck would be fine with me, too. ;)
4) Buffy and Angel: because it's the classic doomed romance. Plus, I've been there -- who hasn't had sex with a guy then have him turn into a bloodthirsty bastard? Represent!
5) Aragorn and Boromir: oh stop -- you *know* it's in there! *snerk*
Don’t let your life pass you by
1. How did you hear about the shootings at Virginia Tech?
I was walking down the street running some errands and I saw the newspaper headline.
2. Do you know anyone who was directly effected?
No, but I feel sympathy for the friends and family who were.
3. Will you be observing a moment of silence at noon to honor those killed on Monday?
Didn't know there was going to be one (I *have* been living under a rock), but I will now.
4. How do you feel about NBC's decision to air portions of the shooter's manifesto?
Uncomfortable. I don't like the idea of making killers famous, but if there's any way his words can be used to help figure out how to prevent acts like these from happening again (like someone recognizing similarities in those words to the words of someone they know), perhaps a *small* portion could help.
5. When you are hurting, do you have people to turn to?
Yes. But I'm still in the process of truly accepting that.
1. How are you stereotypically female?
I love shoes and purses. I can't help myself. And jewelry? Somebody stop me!
2. How are you stereotypically male?
I love horror movies, action films and all other geekness. Plus, I like to do work on my car, though I've only gotten as far as swapping wiper blades and checking/replacing fluid.
3. What parts of you do you consider unclassifiable as either gender?
My love of reading, of nature, and my hope for a better tomorrow.
4. Do you think you are primarily male, female, or neither in characteristics?
I'm primarily female. I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.
5. If you could be born as any gender, knowing the gender prejudices as they are now, which would you choose to be?
I'd still choose to be a woman. It's the place to be, baby!
Yeah, those answers are pretty lame, but it's 70 degrees outside -- wheeeeee!