A brief update from Little Rock

Feb 14, 2004 21:34

Okay, so it's been awhile since I wrote an entry that consisted of stuff other than things that I saw in friends' LJs, so here's a little summary of what's going on here in Little Rock, Arkansas (which is abbreviated by AR, not AK or AS :P)...

1) IT'S FREAKIN' SNOWING TODAY!!! We're expecting 2-4" to accumulate -- am I really in the South?!

2) Cool people who've been to Arkansas Children's Hospital (ACH) since we've been here: Barney (the actual one, not some guy in a cheap purple suit calling himself "The Friendly Purple Dinosaur"), Kahlil Carter (he's on the Arkansas Twisters, which is a minor-league football team, but he just signed w\ the Buffalo Bills), The Arkansas Rockefeller Quartet, Radio Disney... and who knows who else is yet to come! (although I don't think we'll get anyone as big as Evanescence -- they came just an hour after the last NCCC team left here)

3) We don't know where we're going next, but I think we're gonna find out tomorrow, so stay tuned...

4) Cool stuff that we've done: been through Angel One (ACH's two helicopters), thrown a kick-butt Valentine's Day party for the kids yesterday, worked w\ horses (in the freezing cold, but nevertheless, it was fun -- I got to ride bareback!), and a whole bunch of other stuff...

5) Awesome perks of where I work:
--> Employee Health: I get to lead people to Subway every Tuesday for the whole "exercise and eat healthy" thing that EmpHealth is promoting -- and they pay for my lunch! Since I'm w\ EmpHealth and they're in the basement, I pick up the Volunteer Services' mail (which includes our stuff too) after my shift is over -- I love picking up mail!
--> 3rd Floor Playroom: I attribute 90% of my ability to navigate around ACH to the many times that I've delivered mail (and gone on "prize patrol") to patients -- I still get a kick out of both!

6) Cool stuff that's coming up: Next Sunday, Phuong, Beth, Jen, and I are going to Memphis! We're going to Graceland, and hopefully I'll get to meet up w\ Heather R.!

7) Stuff that stinks: Poop hitting the fan at Iona, specifically w\ awesome people who were forced to leave. :(

8) Stuff that I'm working on:
--> Finishing getting my post-holiday postcards out -- I must send those out before I leave!
--> Stuff for next year ;)

Well, that's about it over here -- adios for now!

(and Happy Valentine's Day, or as someone said, "Happy National Singles' Awareness Day!")

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot one thing...
9) Awesome stuff that I got in the mail:
--> Cookies and a card from Brad & Laura!!! I hadn't heard from them since I left Chicago, and I sent them a wedding card back in November, but I didn't have any of their current contact info, so I was literally squealing for a few mins. after seeing that I got a package from them!! (I think Chad, our Unit Leader, who was the one who brought the package w\ him during the site visit, was a bit overwhelmed by my excitement over the package! lol)
--> V-day candy, Care Bear valentines, and a homemade card from Angel -- such an awesome little care package!!!
--> Snaps go to Danielle for sending a copy of the FOA newsletter right to Little Rock, since she knew that it'd be awhile before I'd get the copy that was sent to my house! (This was the issue that had my article in it.)
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