Holy Cow...my last update, other than memes or stuff specific for one or two people...was back in January!
Since this is likely going to be long, let me use a cut here! (And for the record, I do like the little scissors, it makes it easier for me to tell the cuts from the fake cuts! Since I tend to go through my list and open everything I want to read in a new tab so I don't miss anything or lose my place...yeah, those fake cuts don't work so well for me! LOL!)
Let's see. Health-wise...I'm not sick. I haven't lost any weight :-( In fact, I gained a bit back :-( *sighs* Still suffering a bit from depression and inertia. I'm just busy enough to not have time to apply to see a counselor and not busy enough to break myself out of it. Bleh.
MamaG is...about the same, maybe a bit worse. I know the fact that she has such bad habits and eats so poorly is not helping me...I sympathize far too much with people and these things effect me. Plus, I'm really worried about her. She now uses a walker to get around at home... She likely needs to see a counselor also, but they'd have to make a home visit :-( I wish she belonged to a church, I would call up her pastor tout suite! So, I'm still going over there two to three times a week, doing her shopping and taking out the trash and the like. She has another Dr. appointment on Tuesday. I really wish she and her doctor would come up with a better plan. It really worries me.
Then there is LadyD. She gets so tired, so easily, too. But unlike MamaG, she is actually taking care of someone else! So I went over on Thursday to give her a hand...there was so much clutter and papers everywhere....LadyD's plans far outstrip her abilities and...things get left undone because she runs out of energy :-( Again, I worry about her. I'm going back over again on Monday, hopefully we can clear away some of the projects and make it easier to move around without tripping over stuff again.
If you know either of these two...they both would be VERY appreciative of visits or phone calls...they could really use someone to just sit and chat with from time to time. You don't have to clean, honest! :-)
Okay, let's see. Still no job. I'm getting rather desperate. I do not want to try to get a job working fast food (for one thing, I'm afraid they'd say no), or have to work clear across town...public transport puts that at over an hour...IF you make all your connections right, which I fail at too often.
Still no love interests either. Enough said there. That well has been dry for far too long. I would get depressed, but I have more pressing things to worry about right now.
Now, on to the more positive things!! I have been getting out of the house once in a while. I have gone to play D&D, gone to movie nights, trivia nights, etc, even! Plus meetings, meetings, meetings!
GameStorm 14. I was the Hotel Liaison, something that happened rather late in the game. Fortunately I had been the assistant, so I knew most of what was going on and we managed to get things finalized before the convention. But seriously, people, doing the room maps in February, when the con is in March...that has GOT to stop! Too much stress, not enough time to adjust...fortunately the hotel was able to find us more tables or we'd've been renting them. A gaming convention is a VERY table oriented organization!
Then I and some friends decided to attend Sakuracon. This was the first time I've been! I helped out with the Kumoricon table in exchange for getting in and my sister L, who was going up that way anyway, drove me up. Because the four of us friends were cosplaying a team characters from an anime, The Prince of Tennis, we needed four more to fill out our numbers (Rikkai has eight players on their team). So I had volunteered to make tennis uniforms for some teddy bears that we could carry with us. Fortunately my Mom held my hand (figuratively) as I got the fabric cut out and trimmed with ribbons, painted and sewn back together. They came out so adorable! Even if I still need to do the little polo shirts...but I have until end of August to get those done now :-)
I got to meet Lexxie, Ro and Feihu face to face for the first time...yay! We all got along like a house on fire...except there were no cute firemen racing toward us. Darn it! But we geeked out and had a blast :-) I can't tell you much about Sak...I saw the Dealer's Hall, the Autograph Hall and some hallways and lots of escalators. I didn't even try to make it to a panel. Feihu went to one, though, while I was working! She said it was cool! :-) Yay!
Now is the time to catch my breath and try my best to find some sort of income. Kumoricon is in September, Orycon is in November, GameStorm 15 is almost a year away. Of course, my apartment is a mess :-( I need to take some time and clean it up. Unfortunately my next free day is likely to be....a week from tomorrow? I don't think I have anything planned that day...which means I will likely sleep in and then not feel up to doing anything! *headdesk*
So, wish me luck please! I will try to get my life in order, get a job, help my friends, lose some weight and update in a more timely manner!
Sorry for all the boring life stuff! *hugs the flist*