7 Questions Part 3!

Jan 30, 2012 01:28

More questions, from Ashkahchan, Lucathia_rykatu and Darkelfgrl

Questions from ashkahchan

1.) In Doctor Who, which companion did you enjoy the most and why? I'm going to have to say Rose. I've seen some of the early Doctor Who, but never really got into it until Nine and she was the first companion then. I liked her spunk and her attitude and she wasn't whiney and annoying! Martha was also awesome...but she seemed to keep Trying to Make Sense of It All and not enjoying herself as much as Rose did. I haven't seen much of the others since I lack cable these days...but I have seen some whining and annoying bits, so I'm fairly sure they wouldn't make the cut for Enjoy the Most. LOL

2.) J.D. Robb - This is a pen name. Do you like/read any books under her real name? I have read a few...and my favorite is the one she co-wrote with her pen name, LOL! If you look on the back cover, there is a Picture of the Authors. She dresses differently...and if you didn't know they were the same person, you might figure they were related... She is an incredible person to be able to do this for a living and be so prolific...It is an enviable thing :-)

3.) What is your favorite thing to do at RenneFaires? Do you dress the part? Well, since my answer is, “dress up,” I'd have to say yes. LOL! I like to wander around and see everything there is to see, listen to the concerts, maybe buy something if I have the money, and generally just...sightsee. I've gotten my picture taken with people for just wandering by in costume, too, which is just cool :-) Of course, I've only ever gone to the small regional RennFaire we have near here, not one of the Awesome Cool ones they have in other places... Most of my Medieval Interaction comes from SCA events.

4.) Do you give manes to your electronics or other belongings? I'm going to pretend that you meant Name, and not explain how, yes, I put hair on my belongings....*looks at you*

Names...not often. Some things, like my friends' cars, I've helped name. And I name my stuffed animals. But other stuff only get names if they have a distinct personality and mine tends to...overwhelm a bit. I'm not against it and I envy my friends who have such fun naming their stuff, often :-) I just have to feel it and I rarely do.

5.) What holiday do you enjoy celebrating the most? Halloween, I'm going to say. It's a holiday you can spend with your friends without your family getting all, “but what about us?” You get to dress up...and you can prank the Tricker-Treaters who come to the door. This year, in addition to my favorite prank, I also included a bag of snack veggies in with the little bags of candy and offered them to each group that game to the door, “Okay, who wants the veggies?” (Just so you know, someone with a pet guinea pig finally took me up on my offer. I love my town.)

My favorite prank is to wait until they're coming up the steps (the last two years I've been at a friend's house where she has a big window so you can see them coming) and then just before they can knock or ring the bell, you open the door, stick out your hand and say, “Trick or Treat!” :-) The expressions on their faces are simply priceless. As was the mom that pointed out that I did ask first and that meant they had to give me candy. LOL!! I always then gave them candy and never took any, mind you. I enjoy the trick, but I'm not mean :-)

Plus there is fun interaction like when I pretended not to see the ninja...when the entire group of boys were dressed like mimes (they didn't say a word either, it was very cool), except for their little sister who was a princess... I love seeing the fun that they're having and trying to contribute to it, you know?

6.) Which anime that TsudaKen voices in, besides TeniPuri, is your favorite? LOL...good question! I've seen a little bit of KHR...and I detest shows where babies are the stars, so I never could get into that. I've not seen Tiger and Bunny yet, 'cause I suck like that :-( And...I've only seen bits and pieces of Yu-Gi-O, so...wow, I'm a fail fan, huh? *pouts* (But I have seen one or two of the live things he's done and...mm...my, yes :-)

7.) Sweet or Spicy? Yes, please! I like a spicy sweetness, to be honest. Just hot or just sweet can be good, but it's better when it's both :-)

Questions from lucathia_rykatu

1. Who's your favorite character from Yu Yu Hakusho? Probably Yusuke himself. Although both Kurama and Hiei just utterly rock. I like characters that are BA and have a lot of potential and all three of them fit that bill. Plus they're all cute. ;-)

2. If you had to enter the Dark Tournament in Yu Yu Hakusho, who would you choose as your 4 teammates? (can be anyone, fictional or non-fictional). Oooo, Yusuke himself, Zell, the sane version of Sephiroth and...I'm ton between Hiei and Kurama...

3. What do you think of the Makai, the demon world in Yu Yu Hakusho? Would you ever want to live there? It was...interesting. And no. I kind of like my reality to be a little more real and a lot less deadly! LOL!

4. What's the first convention you ever attended? I think it was either CON (a generic science fiction convention so generic it was just called CON) or it was an Orycon. Whichever, I discovered that there are other people out there that like the same stuff I do...and some were grown ups and it was okay to be different :-) Yay!
5. What kind of exercises do you normally do? When I have access to a gym, I am on the weight machines. I LOVE lifting weights. At home, I mostly walk, with some stuff like sit ups and the like.

6. Which character from Tenipuri would you want as your doubles partner if you were to play doubles? Inui. 'cause not only would we win, because he's just awesome that way, but he would be murmuring percentages and directions to me throughout the match in that voice of his...and after we won we'd get to do one of those suggestive lingering High Touches. Yes!

7. Why do you like the color red? ...cause it's RED :-) LOL. I don't know...maybe because I have a strong affinity for fire? When I first got online I used the name Red Queen...but it meant too many things to other people and didn't invoke my own meaning nearly enough, so I dropped it after a while.

Questions from darkelfgrl

1. Your fave Tenimyu cast and why? The one with all the cute boys on it! :-) LOL. I don't have a favorite, per se, because there is something I like about each and every cast. I might say, “I prefer that version of the character over this” with the individual actors, but how can I say, “this cast was so much better than that?” I can't.

2. What would be your ideal career choice if you didn't have to go to school for it or need any kind of experience? I'm not entirely sure what you mean with this question. But I'm best suited for Research assistant/Girl Friday. Something with a bit of autonomy, where I get to look things up and organize them to my heart's content and make sure that someone else's job/life runs smoothly. Yay!

3. Favorite season (weather) and why? Spring or Fall. When the rain is warm, the sun isn't too bright and the air is fresh :-) I'm heat and light sensitive. August...is when I get cranky, nothing goes right and I want to spend most if it asleep, preferably in front of a fan!

4. Favorite book? (I always enjoy good book recs. *G*) Memory by Lois McMaster Bujold. Right up there is Dragon Bones/Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs. I adore these books. For sheer fun, I also like Robert Aspirin's Phule's Company.

5. Favorite type of food. Hot. Seriously. I just don't like eating sandwiches and the like. I like hot cooked food. Or ice cream ;-) Cheese Ubiquitous Things are my favorites!

6. Girlie girl or tomboy? Mostly tomboy, but I don't mind skirts and dresses and jewelry and all the rest...it's just too much bother most days. I'm lazy...why would I want to get up early to do my hair and makeup?

7. Your dream vacation/trip? A trip to the Islands: Japan, England, Scotland, Ireland, Greece and New Zealand :-)


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