Ugh Sports

Feb 05, 2011 14:46

So, it's time again in this here country we call America for the "biggest game of the year" [Insert crazy yelling and general jackassery here].

Do I care?


Not at all.

It's annoying how most of the population seems to get just a bit crazy this weekend, more so than usual anyway. Especially the fans of the respective teams. Football seems to be a bit worse than hockey about it. Maybe it's because in hockey you get more than one single game to decide who wins the Big Shiny Trophy?

This of course, leads in to the age old debate about "what team do you regularly root for". Now, in case nobody knew Boston people are a bit erm... crazy about their sports teams. Buffalo has it's crazies too but we're generally cool with whoever you want to support as long as it's not anybody from Texas (Miami is football only). It's very annoying that because I don't like any Boston teams (or any of the sports here aside from hockey for that matter) that I keep being told that "because you live in boston now you should root for [insert boston team here]."

What part of "I do not care about football/baseball/basketball/underwater basket weaving" is not understood?!

Seriously. I'm from Buffalo I will root for Buffalo teams if any because uhm... that's how we roll in Buffalo. We don't care that our teams have never won either the Stanley Cup or the Shiny Football Trophy (hell if I know the name of it), we will still freaking root for them no matter what. It's how we do.

Now please lay off, I'm not going to start liking whatever stupid sport you say I should. I would rather watch paint dry than a baseball/basketball/football game. I respect your choice to like your sports and don't say anything when you're going off about whether or not some linebacker could take a basketball player in an arm wrestling match or something equally asinine, please respect my choice to not give a fuck.
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