So, remember how I told everyone about how there's a few holiday songs that just piss me off?
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I know there are a number of people who like this song. I realize it is (supposedly) based on a true story, I say supposedly because I was not there and it is only word of mouth and the internet that tell me it is so. I, personally, do not believe something like this actually happened. Call me a pessimist if you'd like but I've seen quite a bit of humanity during the holiday shopping season and I've yet to see anyone in a department store (or other large store that sells many things) be truly generous enough to buy a pair of shoes for some kid.
I'm more angry and annoyed at one of the messages the song gives to people. That it's okay to go and buy something you can't afford. That's why the economy is effed up (among other reasons).
"But Bix!" You say, "This is a wonderful song! It's what Christmas is all about!"
Spending money is what Christmas is about now? I see.
Yes, it's nice to get a gift for Christmas (or whatever other holiday you celebrate) but I think I've matured enough to the point that I'm not expecting anything big or fancy. I'd like to be with my family and my boyfriend more than I'd like a thing-thing. I like hand made or home made things a lot, especially a home cooked dinner or to just sit around and talk with the people I'm close to while watching a movie we've all seen a billion times but still love. To sit around wrapped in a blanket and drink hot chocolate with my boyfriend would be amazing.
It's the things you can't spend money on to get that stay with someone in their memories.