Mar 02, 2004 14:46
Ok, I'm trying to keep up with my new year's resolution of updating this more often, and so far I'm not doing so bad. I'd say a definate 80% increase from my past record.
I finally got over whatever illness I had, my guess is a combination of a mild flu and sinuses thanks to the constantly changing hot to cold weather lately. Good thing I got better, since it's midterms week, and I'd be 10 times more stressed out if I was feeling miserable with a fever and bodyaches and still have to take midters. Ironically, I got really sick, last semester around this time too.
Anyways, so next week is Spring Break, and i'm going home to go to some doctors appointments (getting check-ups before I lose my dad's insurence coverage in may)and apply for my passport. My mother is getting one too, b/c one of her friends told her some awful story where their son when to Europe and got apendisitis while there, and his mom had to wait 3 weeks to get her passport to go over and see him. So, yeah, interesting. At least she hasn't try to talk me out of going to Europe(yet?).