six months... again

Dec 06, 2005 09:13

Last Friday I had my one year followup with my cosmetic surgeon. She is going to write a letter that should help me persuade California to issue me a correct birth certificate. California is one of the easiest states so I'm not too concerned. I'm very happy with most of my chest but there is some excess that needs fixed. The doctor and I talked about it in the office and decided we could do a revision in the office (no hospital fees). It's a fussy little area and the results aren't guaranteed. I'd pretty much decided to try it anyway - hell it's only pain and I know how much. She just called to tell me she has an instrument used for facelifts that might give the results we are looking for. With the chance for success at 50%+ it's a definite go. I think I'll have it done in early March so I will have time to heal before heavy gardening and summer. It will be good motivation for us to get the house stuff done as I won't be able to do much for 3 months. The most disturbing part of this is the procedure.

I will be conscious for this one. That is a little disturbing.


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