I took a break.

Nov 23, 2009 11:53

I took a break from everything to heal. I'm not well, but I feel refreshed. Before anyone asks me, read below. <3

Andru’s Sickness FAQ

How are you doing?

When I’m not feeling well, I’d rather not talk about it. When I *am* feeling well, I’d rather not talk about it. In general, I’m so-so, so when you want to ask how I’m doing, please feel free to tell yourself “same as always”. Right now, I’m trying to focus on the positive, which means not discussing my day-to-day issues.

Have they found out what’s wrong with you yet?

No, but when I find out everyone will know because I’ll be throwing a party - HUGE party. My doctor has a couple of leads that we’re trying, but it may take a few months before I see any results. I'm staying optimistic, but I don't get excited about new treatments/leads anymore to avoid potential letdowns.

What are your symptoms?

They vary but in general nausea, body aches, and a whole lot of pain. I have good days and bad - most days I'm all over the place. Physical therapy has helped me enough that I no longer have to consistently walk with a cane.

Should you be carrying/doing that?

I won't know unless I try. I appreciate your concern, but I'll let you know if I need help. Thanks for helping me feel more independent!

Can you eat...?
I can eat and drink whatever I want - paperclips are not encouraged though.

Do you think it could be…?

Whatever you’re thinking or about to suggest, I’ve most likely been tested for it and tested negative. I thank you for your concern, but if you can think of it most likely so have my doctors.

But my cousin on my father’s side…

Seriously, it’s not that.

Do you need anything? How can I help?

Help in the garden is appreciated, especially a fall cleanup. Also, I can’t do as much with our dogs to keep them entertained, so doggie play dates are good.

Are you avoiding me?
I'm limiting my contact with folks because my immune system isn't great, and I need to get reacquainted with the "office germs" after being out for 6 months on disability. I'll likely decline most group things until we see how I'm doing. Don't worry! It's not you; it's your bugs.

We’d love to take you out to hang and catch up!

I do enjoy catching up with people when I’m having a good day, but car rides can get painful for me even short distances. Once I adjust to my new work schedule, I’ll know what days might be best for hanging out and let everyone know. Feel free to invite me to any parties, bbqs, and dinners though! If I’m feeling up to it, I might just show up to surprise you.

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