To whomever knocked me up...

Apr 24, 2009 13:24

I hate you.

What the hell am I talking about?  Let me relay my dream last night...

It all started with dashing out the door after my wedding.  To who?  I'll never know. My side kick - I think it was my office mate KT in a different body, and I jump in to a big rig - a European, steering wheel on the wrong side, 16-wheeler with trailer.  I knew how to drive it well, and I was the pilot while KT poured over a very complex map book.

We had to stop by the hotel we were staying to pick up a few things.  It was a lovely place with tasteful decor comfy looking beds and an emergency room outside the front door. That ER would have been quite handy as I was pregnant and due any minute; however, we needed to drive from Great Falls to Helena to a different hotel for me to give birth for some reason. We hastily threw our things into my yellow suitcase and wished the staff goodbye while they waited in line to give us hugs.

SO we climbed back into the rig and departed.  It was a four hour drive that took more like sixteen hours.

KT at some point said we really needed to find me some drugs because it was going to hurt a lot and there wouldn't be any at the new hotel, so we took a break a a rest stop/park near a river - I think it was Mary's Park in Corvallis.  While KT looked for painkillers, I took a walk by the weed choked river, anxious to get to the new hotel and disturbed by my flat stomach.  Shouldn't I be showing by now?  I mean, I was due any moment.

Things became jumbled (as they do in dreams) and the washed out colors of my dream faded to night as we seached for the hotel, which turned out to be a roach motel with hospital beds.  I said we had to find another place because there was no way in hell I was giving birth in that place.  Everyone kept asking me why I was so upset and I kept telling them I had just got married, driven for hours, and now had to give birth.

We tried place after place, some with lovely balconies overlooking faded blue pools, but hostess and host alike would show us rooms and they would not be pleasent or there would be none available. The night fell and the cab light illuminated KT's frantic map wrangling as we talked about nothing.

Well into the night after driving much farther than Helena, we came upon a homely little motel, and I was worried about starting labor without a hotel.  Tired and frustrated I stated that I would give birth here and proceeded to lay down in the bed staring at my flat belly, worried that I had no painkillers as what I thought was labor began.

Then I woke up.


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