t-shirt idea

Sep 23, 2008 13:46

I was smacked in the head with brilliance while waiting for FTP magic to happen.

T-shirt front: "Go hos!"
T-shirt back: "Stop forgetting prostitutes are people too."

I'm disgusted with Montavilla in Action.  This issue is far more complex than the issue of the prostitution free zones to be reinstated. Personally I agree with the powers that be that the implementation of these zones cannot be done in a constitutional manner, and agree with their dismissal. The women and men working the street come from a variety of backgrounds, places, and reasons to be doing their profession from personal choice to essentially child slavery. I strongly do not believe simply saying protitution is bad is not the answer.  Some pratices do need to be stopped (see child slavery), more resources need to be available and accessable, and (in my opinion) people need to chill the fuck out about people doing whatr they want with their own bodies.

AND, I am pleased as punch with attempted macing on Saturday night.  As a person that occasionally photographs other people, you always ask first or you may be asking to get clocked.  If this was a case of some random individuals and a photographer, it would be a un-newsworty non-issue.

soap box, sex work

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