Dining Out For Life

Apr 14, 2010 10:42

   Who wants to go to dine out and do good on Thursday, 29 April 2010?

That Thursday is international Dining Out For Life night in the Twin Cities, MN. A large number of restaurants and bars participate by donating a portion of their proceeds and collecting donations. The funds raised go to The Aliveness Project; and it helps stimulate small business in our lagging economy.

As is often the case, I am sure there will be many droves of fashionable folk organizing dinner groups, so get your reservations in sooner rather than later. Claire and I have decided that this year we will be trying some good old American barbecue, bibs optional. We have a reservation for 16 people.
Dinner Guests
  1. perkk
  2. geometrician
  3. minnesotatoast
  4. bikerbear
  5. bearnight
  6. rebisbear
  7. dogs_heart77
  1. Gary
  2. Jann
  3. Kameron
  4. Chuck
  5. Dan
  6. Sheri
  7. Calvin

Rudolph's Barbeque
1933 South Lyndale Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403-3104
(612) 871-8969

29 April 2010
7 PM

Who would like to join me for dinner?
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