The Fancyland Diaries

Apr 26, 2009 12:14

Fancy is doing well. She's a good dog. She is fleet of paw, but recently she seems to have confused going swift with going Swiffer. It would seem that in the spring when the air is dry and cool, before the grass has gown, Fancy can build up some static and turn into a giant dirt & dust collector, tracking all of it in to the house. It was crazy. I could pat her and watch the clouds of dust raise and then move back onto her.

Needless to say, this lead to a couple of spats of dog baths and house cleanings. Fancy is really good about baths, but with her think coat, she takes quite a while to dry. I found a shampoo which incidentally reduces her static potential (moisturize, moisturize, moisturize). In retrospect, I wonder if I could have found a way to make her clean my house for me first.

I took Fancy for a walk around Lake Harriet (2.75 mi) the other day and she was a perfect lady. I am amazed at how intelligent she is; she can take some of the most subtle of queues when calm. She ignored all of the joggers that passed, except for the cute one, probably because she sensed I was ogling him. He put his hand down to be sniffed as he passed; some bitches get all the luck. I may have to teach her to trip or tangle on command. When it starts running for the season, I hope I can take her on the Streetcar? I bet she will put her head out the window.


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