Sep 23, 2006 22:55
work sucked. not only was there a massive crowd dining this evening, but we also had to cater a 275 cover wedding in which theh people plannign it only planned for 260. so we had to pull together 15 meals from nothing. it sucked. the chef is pissed at me but no one knows why. i think its becasue his wife is PMSing and i did sometihng stupid or sometihng. yesterday he yuelled at me for 10 minutes when i first got there about soemtihng i didnt do. i didnt do it becasue its someone elses job adn he said he would do it so i didnt have to. whatever. the secret is to not let things get to you. i burned my hand pretty bad too... i grabbed a sheetpan out of the oven with a wet towel aka hot as fuck and didnt want to drop the prime rib roast on the floor so i bit my leip and delt with the pain which was really hard to do for 10 seconds. but hey, shit happens
im catering with 2 other people for an entire elementary school for thanksgiving and since i dont have family thanksgiving anymore i get to have it at a school woth mad good food dawg. ok im sore nd am going to go drown myself in the bathtub and hope jesus resurects me so i can be at work ontime at 12 tomorrow. peace