Happy 2005!

Jan 02, 2005 15:48

something about 2005 just seems old, maybe it's the fact that my dad is turning 50 in a few days, I'll be 21 in May, &/or I'll be half way through my undergrad in a few months. The 1990s seems so long ago...ahhh, good times when life wasn't quite as complicated. woot! woot! to 2005 though!

So far this year has been very good & I expect it'll be much better than the last since I've learned a lot about myself and life in the past year. My travels were a success & a lot of fun. Thank you to the Wiltgens & Olesons for hosting me. I got to Tinley Park last Tuesday afternoon & was greeted by Momma Wiltgen because Annie & Linds were glued to DDR! Haha, I didn't really care who greeted me at the door because it was good to see all of them & it was a funny site to see the back side of Annie & Linds doing DDR. If you don't know what DDR is then you're outta the loop, haha. It's a video game called Dance Dance Revolution & sadly somewhat addicting. That night Jay, Gretchen, Brent, Holli, & Lydia came over to visit. It was good to see all of them & hang out since I hadn't seen any of them since August. Then around midnight the one & only Ryan Veil pulled into the drive way. SO SO good to see all these people. Ryan, Annie, & Erica get huge awards for listening to me when I needed somebody to talk to & always finding a way to make me smile when I felt like everything was crashing down around me these past couple of months.
*On a side note* Spanglish, good, but not worth the money in theaters.

I got to Jenison, MI in time to celebrate two wonderful 20 year olds birthday. Alissa & Gretchen Oleson are the only Oleson twins in my life. Of course I've said this since I met Alissa last year & then last night Piper had to go & point out that Sam & Jenny are the Olson twins as well...I don't know them that well though, they graduated with Evan. It was fun to meet the Jenison people & get to see the home that Alissa is always talking about. We played Apples to Apples too which is always good times. New Years Eve was a blast! Gretchen, Eric, & Myself (with help from others) made some bitchin' (that's for Jimmy) whiskey bean dip that everybody loved. YaY 2005!

Mr. Oleson noticed that my car...yes MY car...was leaking some pink substance. We think it was anti-freeze. I ended up making the 3 or so hour drive home just fine & haven't been outside today to see if it's still leaking. My parents got a new 2003 white impala & handed me down the red alero! Oh the excitement, haha. It's kinda crazy having my own car again. I've got to go shopping for some car necessities now...like cd holder, & maybe seat covers to make it look tackey, haha. It does need cleaned out though before goin' back to CAP.

Ok, I'm boring myself now & need to go shower so I'm ready to go out for Lindsay & Allison's birthday tonight. That's right the Blue twins turn 20 tomorrow! CRAZY! Happy New Year everybody!
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