Nov 30, 2004 13:43

Crystal is doing better and found out that she bruised her ribs in the back. The dr. gave her some pain medicine & told her to take the day off. The roomie situation is a for sure thing. I know some people are struggling with it, but I ask that you don't take it personally. I love ya for who you are, even when it's not easy & I ask the same in return. To end this on a fun note that makes me procrastinate more I "stole" this from Casey's journal:

A is for Age: 20, less than 6 months to 21!!!

B is for Boyfriend (Girlfriend): non-existant, but I had a very wierd dream last night where I had two guys after me

C is for Career (in future):working for God, hopefully in Youth Ministry

D is for Dad's name: Jon

E is for Essential item to bring to a party: myself, haha, b/c I make the party happen

F is for Favorite song at the moment: Your Song by Elton John

H is for Hometown: good ol' Swing City....N. Manchester, IN

I is for Instruments you play: None anymore

J is for Job title: Purple People Greeter....student ambassador

K is for Kids: yikes!

L is for Living arrangement: currently in SS 147, movin' to third floor with Kendyll though!!!

M is for Mom's name: Mary, aka Connie to some

N is for Number of people you've slept with: well to take it literally, I can't count that high, hehe, I LOVE Spoke Folk & all my other fun sleep over friends

O is for Overnight hospital stays: too many, I seriously can't count them all

Q is for Quixotic (extravagantly romantic, impractical): I'm a dreamer

R is for relationship that lasted the longest: I'm still best friends with Bert, haha, romance is icky...just kidding, but I think it was prolly last year & yall know about that one

T is for Time you wake up: before 10am Mon-Fri & Sun. Sat. depends

U is for Unique traits: you tell me

V is for Vegetable you love: potatoes

W is for Worst habit: over analyzing

X is for X-rays done: once again, can't remember, too many

Y is for Yummy food you make: I know how to make brownies & mac&cheese

Z is for Zodiac sign: Gemini

Wasn't that fun? I know my day is complete now! I've given a tour, presented about my friend Chris, bought some Christmas gifts & am now going to be productive with school work. Happy Tuesday!
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