Last week

Nov 01, 2010 15:03

Last week seems sooooo long ago!!!

Tuesday was a lazy day. I worked from home and me and G just ate dinner and watched tv. M@ came down and watched Glee with us. Not too exciting a night but still a good one.

Wednesday I had a big meeting that took up 5 hours of my day. Good news, the meeting went well. Bad news, I was assigned a lot of the take-aways from the meeting. We went out to my mom's to drop off my car; I can't park in the same spot on the street from Thursday night until Monday night so for trips I have to stash my jeep at Ma' Dukes'.

On the plus side it makes me go and spend time with her, which I should do more of.

Thursday was my last day of work before heading to P Town for Spooky Bear. It was also one of the busiest days. I didn't get out until almost 7 but I was able to clean quite a few things up before logging off. After returning something for G at the mall I headed home to pack.

After being home for about 15 minutes I found out I had to log back in to get a report request submitted for my boss. We were packed and ready by midnight, but wouldn't you know we couldn't fall asleep then, even after sex.

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via ljapp, edited by mat

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