we have returned from Canada!
the last 24 hours have been so much fun. 4 carfuls of us left campus friday right after classes, made it to Windsor by 8pm, basically partied for 9 hours, slept for 5, and got back to campus by 4pm today.
i know this may sound trite to people over 21 or with fake IDs, but we all got so excited that we were finally able to just go up to a bartender, slap down our money and get thrown a beer. or we could just go sit down at a restaurant and order a margarita with dinner if we wanted to. It was wild.
I'm mostly proud that we actually accompished this - i mean we sat on a couch 3 weeks ago and thought "hey wouldnt it be fun to go to Windsor" but I wasnt so sure we could pull it off. And pull it off we did. No one got A)lost B)killed or most importantly C)pregnant, and somehow we didn't get kicked out of our hotel rooms (although the manager did have to come tell us he could hear from anywhere on the floor). And despite the fact that we signed a waiver saying that there were only 2 people in each room, no one seemed to care that at times there were 20 of us in one suite.
Also, I ended up losing only $1 to the casino slot machines. Of course, some of that could have to do with the fact that I was so drunk half the time I couldnt even get my nickel into the slot. (baby)
Another plus is that I managed not to lose my camera in some random bar, as I was afraid I would. seriously, what would we do without digital cameras?? I'd have no way of commemorating all the great moments of the trip. or no way of realizing that apparently my bra was at least 2 inches above the neckline of my shirt for about 8 hours. sweet. awesome. skanky.
In all this rambling about Canada, I forgot the most important news:
I got in! I was physically sick all week over all the suspense. Even after I found out I was accepted, I still wasn't even sure I wanted to go. 5 months away from my family, living across the ocean in a foreign country, not being able to see Kathleen or all the boys until senior year, missing football season.... it's so much to give up just for school. but then i spent a few minutes loking at google image searches for Athens.
i cant even speak when i think about it. it's like i have way too many thoughts and not nearly enough breath. it's fucking GREECE. im so unbelievably excited.
girls gettin ready for casino/club/bar madness
the finished product
they started off with a 24-pack of beer that somehow cost 35 dollars
alex was very insistent that he always likes to wear his superman boxers at his belly button
alex also accidentally drove to ohio today. note: we do not go to school in ohio.
he was also very concerned that he wouldnt be able to get ladies with a few drops of beer on his new shirt,
so kathleen had to blow dry it
that's out new friend kyle. the hotel didnt really supply enough normal-sized plastic cups to accomodate us, so kyle got the shaft.
and by shaft i mean blessing in disguise.
hey thomas, you look like hannibal lecter
irrestible alex. really.
still pregaming in the room
tim, diana, liz and christa hot off the blocks
paul, being enticed by THE nastiest woman we saw in canada dancing on the stage
damn we were having so much fun, no thanks to my BRA kjhdsghadskgjh
"IT CRAZY" apparently in canada they dont care about grammar
ohh god that was so nerdy of me
oh yeah, it was emmanuel's birthday
p i m p
is the not the happiest drunk person youve ever seen in your life??
diana looks kinda cute and thomas looks like he's gagging on her
hey whatchya doin there boys
i have no idea what we were so bewlidered by, but it must have been really weird
because diana and alex were distracted by it too
this is eman acting like napoleon dynamite, thomas acting like a quarterback, and sebastian actiing "cool"
one of my prouder moments. i was just showcasing my exceptional ability to stand on two feet.
yeah youre right, im a drunkass.
background: kathleen and i are thinking "wow are shoes are so cute! we should take a picture." boy on the other side of the table thinks we're ridiculous so he holds his foot up too. then, christa mistakes his shoe for food.
now it's time for drunken close-ups:
in the lobby the next morning, obviously well-rested
obviously not
and these are just some shots of the canada-USA border that i took this morning
some really weird factory thing we sawin a cemetary right on the border. i mostly just like the sign that says TO USA --->
what a great week.
c ya.