Oct 18, 2005 03:30
I've realized recently how petty and reckless people are. It reminds me of something that happened when I was a kid. I had a friend down the street that I would always play with. She came over to my house one day and we decided to play Mensch Argere Dich Nicht (a German board game where you basically roll and move around the board trying to get "home"). There were many color choices when it came to picking tokens, but somehow we both were vying for purple. We argued over it until we both became immensely frustrated, and she decided that if she couldn't be purple, she was going home. So she left. She came back a few minutes later and we realized how stupid we'd been. Unfortunately, as an adult viewing this situation manifesting itself in other ways all around me, I'm coming to find that often, there is not that final moment of realization. It often ends in frustration and some kind of breaking point. I've found that it's mostly due to the fact that people are closed minded, make permanent decisions about things they have no idea about, are mentally incapable of making their own decisions, are under medicated, are over medicated, and a plethora of other ridiculous reasons. Basically, it boils down to: people are crazy. They're just making insane decisions. They're doing things that are completely unfounded and irrational. Do we not realize the impacts of our actions? Do we just not care? Why are people in general becoming so reckless with relationships? They're important. I'm speaking not just of romantic relationships, but of relationships in general. We make mountains out of molehills and miss out on things that are beautiful. Why? Because we are frustrated? Because we are bull-headed? Because we have no foresight? Do we have no sense of self or of reality...or of our place in reality, for that matter? Why is it so important to "make a statement"? Why not just take what you have, be thankful for it, and move on? Perhaps we need to take a step back for a moment. Things seem so intense and important when you're in the midst of them, but maybe if we took a step back, we could put things in a better perspective. Molehills are undoubtedly just molehills. It's not a mountain. It will never be a mountain. Sprinkle it with fairy dust, meditate on it, pray for it, talk about it, make it up. It will never be a mountain.