(no subject)

Jul 17, 2004 02:11

-name : Amanda Rose Short
-nicknames : Mandy
-sex : female
-birthday : May 6
-age : 17
-star sign : Taurus
-place of birth : CORAL SPRINGS
-current residence: Coral Springs, FL
-hair colour : brown
-eye colour : blue
-height : 5'4
-writing hand : Right

-do you bite your nails : no, i used to but thats why i got fake ones
-can you roll your tongue : yes
-can you raise one eyebrow at a time : yea
-can you blow smoke rings: nope
-can you blow spit bubbles : sometimes
-can you cross your eyes: NO!
-colored hair:Brown
-tattoos and where : Lower back
-piercing and where: ears and bellybutton
-do you make your bed daily : no
-what goes on first bra or underwear : underwear
-which shoe goes on first : doesnt matter
-speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone : yes
-how much money is usually in your wallet? : um like 30
-what jewelry do you wear 24/7 :cartilage earring, belly button ring
-whats sexiest on a guy : abs baby
-whats sexiest on a girl : i dunno
-would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great : late & look great
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : twirl it
-how many cereals are in your cabinet : a lot
-what utensils do you use eating pizza : my hands
-do you cook : i can use a microwave but thats about it

-how often do you brush your teeth : 2-3 times a day
-how often do you shower/bathe : daily
-how long do these showers last : 15 minutes
-hair drying method : air or blow dryer
-do you paint your nails : yeah
-do you swear : yes
-do you mumble to yourself : sometimes
-do you spit in public : no! gross!
-do you pee in the shower: um no def not
-whats in your cd player : nothin right now
-person you talk most on the phone with :jillian, used to be henry too, but well i havent in three weeks
-what color is your bedroom : yellow
-do you use an alarm clock : yep
-name one thing or person you're obsessed with:i dont really know, chad michael murray haha
-have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex : nope
-ever sunbathed in the nude: nope
-window seat or aisle : aisle
-whats your sleeping position: side
-what kind of bed do you like : a nice soft one
-in hot weather do you use a blanket : Yes
-do you snore : nope
-do you sleepwalk : dont think so
-do you talk in your sleep : maybe i dunno
-do you sleep with a stuffed animal : nope
-how about the light on : No
-do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on : occasionally

-had sex : ummm let me think...never
-were kissed or kissed someone : um lets see...24 days ago lol
-watched bambi : long time ago
-cried : um a month ago
-talked on the phone : 20 minutes ago
-read a book : yesterday
-punched someone : dont remember

-is music important to you : yes very
-do you sing? : if you can call it that!
-what instruments do you play? Oboe, engish horn, cymbals
-what do you think of Eminem : i think he needs to realize that he's white
-pop music : yea
-rock music : yea
-punk music : yea
-rap music : yeah
-hip-Hop/RB : occasionally-country : yes indeed
-jazz : only if my dad is listening to it
-classical : sometimes
-new age : no
-what is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about : hmm i dunno
-your word : good job

A - Act your age:sure
B - Born on what day of the week: no idea
C - Chore you hate : emptying the dishwasher
D - Dad's name? Jack
E - Essential makeup item? eyeliner
F - Favorite actress? dont really have one
G - Gold or silver? silver
H - Hometown? coral springs
I - Instruments you play? oboe, english horn, cymbals...this question seems familiar..
J - Job title? cashier at toys r us
K - Kids? not yet
L - Living arrangements? mom dad brother
M - Mom's name? jo
N - Number of people you've slept with? umm????
O - Overnight hospital stays? none
P - Phobia? sharks and spiders
Q - Quote you like? dunno
R - Religious affiliation? christian i guess
S - Siblings? younger brother
T - Time you wake up? 6 for school, whenever on weekends or summer
U - Unique habit? dont really have one
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? brussel sprouts
W - Worst habit? dont really have one
X - X-rays you've had? ankle
Y - Yummy food you make? um...brownies?
Z - Zodiac Sign? Taurus
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