May 21, 2005 20:56
» S T A R T «
[x] What time is it? 8:31 pm
[x] What’s the date? 5-21-05
[x] What are you doing besides filling this out? eating Watching my lil sistas and waiting for my hair to dry... yep exciting
» G E N E R A L «
[x] Full name(may just put initial for last name): Jennifer Leigh McGill.. yep thats it!
[x] Nicknames: Jen, Whore, and i hate it but some ppl call me jenny
[x] Birthday: July 9th
[x] Location: Freeland Mi
[x] Age: 14
[x] Eye color: brown
[x] Hair color: i dont even know anymore
[x] Hair length: uhh sholders?
[x] Height: pretty much 5'1
[x] Grade: 9
[x] School colors: Green and white
x] Mascot: falcon
[x] GPA: um... 3.5 or higher is all i no
[x] Hobbies: dancing, talking, jumping, tanning, swimming, hoeing it up, friends, boyfriends, boys
[x] Siblings (name and age): Julie-23 Kimberly-20 Marcus-18 and step sistas Courtney-6 Rachel-8
[x] Pets (name and kind):mr. snuggles, teddy bear
[x] Do you drink? no
[x] Do you smoke? no
[x] Zodiac sign: cancer
[x] Do/did you have glasses? no
[x] Do/did you have contacts? no
[x] Do/did you have braces? yes
[x] Shoe size: 6 ish
[x] Religion: Cathloic
[x] Do you have/want any piercings? Yes
[x] Do you have/want any tattoos? o yes i have many, they cover my whole body!
[x] What time is it? 8:37
» L O V E «
[x] Bf/Gf(name): -Secret... i like to be mysterous
[x] If so, how long have you been together? -1
[x] First kiss: Kindergarden... i got held down... yep uh hu
[x] Longest relationship: pfft i have no idea
[x] First thing about a boy/girl that you notice: hair
[x] Worst breakup: i would have to say over the phone... and they were talking ot someone else
[x] Ever fall in love with a friend? yes
[x] Good kisser? o i would no because i kiss myself all the time
[x] Where do you like to put your hands when you kiss? they do the wave... okay i lied i cant say what they do
[x] Are you straight, bi, or gay/lesbian? Straight
[x] Have you thought about marriage? yes
[x] What's the sweetest thing someone's done for you? brought me to a park becasue i wanted to swing and gave me a piggy back ride all the way there then pushed me then played on the playground with me... or bringing me lots of food when i was sad.. u no no idea how much that means to me
[x] What time is it? 8:43
» T H I S O R T H A T «
[x ]Coke or pepsi? pepsi
[x] Pencil or pen? pen
[x] Hug or kiss? all of the above
[x] TV or radio? TV
[x] CD or tape? CD
[x] Phone or computer? cant deside
[x] Sandals or shoes? sandals
[x] Socks or no socks? No socks
[x] Email or snail mail? e-mail
[x] Rose or lily? lily
[x] 7th Heaven or Gilmore Girls? Gilmore Girls
[x] South Park or Simpsons? South park
[x] Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew? Dr. Peper
[x] Vanilla or chocolate? Vanilla
[x] Strawberry or butter pecan? strawberry
[x] McDonald's or Burger King? chicken tenders from B.K but # 2 form micky d's
[x] Arby's or Rally's? Arby's
[x] Orange or pink? Pink
[x] Blue or red? blue
[x] American Pie or American Pie 2? American Pie
[x] Pants or shorts? shorts
[x] Boot cut or flare? flare
[x] Middle school or high school? High School
[x] USA or Canada? USA
[x] Love or like? love
[x] Hot or sexy? hot
[x] Cute or adorable? Cute
[x] Cat or dog? dog
[x] Pool or ocean? ocean
[x] Rain or shine? Shiny
[x] Grammys or VMAs? VMAs
[x] Night or day? Night
[x] Dark or light? light
[x] Shine or sparkle? sparkle
[x] Slow or fast? It depends on what were talkin here
[x] Cold or hot? hot
[x] Sweet or sour? sweet
[x] Jeans or khakis? Jeans
[x] Sleeves or sleeveless? Sleeveless
[x] Coffee or tea? Both
[x] Pop or juice? juice
[x] Dull or bright? bright
[x] Scary movie or romantic movie? Scary
[x] Pringles or Doritos? Pringles
[x] Abercrombie or Aeropostale? abercrombie
[x] Old Navy or Pacsun? i like both
[x] MTV or VH1? mtv
[x] AOL or Yahoo? Yahoo
[x] Nickelodeon or Disney? disney
[x] VHS or DVD? DVD
[x] Magazine or book? magazine
[x] Pierced nose or tongue ring? nose
[x] Friend who’s serious or funny? funny, But not always
[x] Silver or gold? silver
[x] Chocolate or flowers? flowers
[x] Stay up late or sleep in? Stay up late then sleep in
[x] Mexican or Italian food? italian
[x] Boat or plane? Plane
[x] Mall or movies? Um... mall then movies
[x] Dance or sing? Dance
[x] Waterbed or plain mattress? HaHa waterbed! but i have a plain one.. damnit
[x] sports or school? sports... even though i suck
[x] School or work? Work cause i have a job...
[x] Hungry Howie’s or Little Caesars? Hungry Howies
[x] What time is it? 8:57 sence i just drove my uncles new car around.. its super sweet
» F A V O R I T E S «
[x] Song: Promiss, Matchbook Romance
[x] Group/Band: FM static, the postal service, all the rapers out there hoeing it up, Yellowcard
[x] Singer: Ciera
[x] CD: All different ones
[x] Movie: i have so many
[x] Beverage: sherley temples
[x] Subject: Math with rae
[x] Store: te candy shop
[x] Radio station: 102.5, 93.7, 98.5, dont listen to the radio alot
[x] TV show: The OC all the way!!
[x] TV channel: Fox or abc family
[x] Flower: Yellow lilys
[x] Book: i dotn really read
[x] Teacher: Ms. Economou
[x] Tooth paste: Crest with the fresh strips in it
[x] Day of the week: Friday
[x] Family member: Marcus
[x] Animal: monkeys
[x] Holiday: X-mas
[x] Sport: To watch: Football
[x] To do: dont play sports silly! but if cheer is one?
[x] Food: Mashed patoes
[x] Fast food: arbys
[x] Color to wear: Yellow or blue
[x] Color: yellow
[x] Shoes: flip-flops
[x] Number: 7984778
[x] Candy: those sugar staws thingys
[x] Ice cream flavor: soft serve twist
[x] Actor: Adam sandler
[x] Actress: Jennifer antison
[x] Magazine: seventeen
[x] Soundtrack: i donno
[x] Restaurant: boones
[x] City: Denver
[x] Hangout place:Rachels belly!!!
[x] Snack: popsicles
[x] Guy's cologne: very sexy for him 2 from Vikkys
[x] Girl's perfume: Lilu
[x] Month: July
[x] Disney character: Belle
[x] Type of music: everything
[x] Computer game: sims 2 yep uh hu only played it once
[x] Board game: shoots and laders
[x] Card game: Uker... i cant spell that
[x] Season: fall
[x] Room in your house: moms=mine dads=computer room
[x] What time is it? 9:08
» A R E Y O U… «
[x] Quiet to loud? I am always loud no matter what
[x] Short or tall? most deffinatly short
[x] Nice or mean? well.. it depends on the situation or who im talking to
[x] Friendly or selfish? probly both
[x] Normal or special? special
[x] Smart or stupid? uhh i donno im gonna go with smart!
[x] Boring or fun? im bored but i like to have fun
[x] Attractive or unattractive? theres more to life than being really really goodlooking
[x] Tanned or pale? im so white right now
[x] Artistic or athletic? artistic.. at least i try
[x] Shy or outgoing? thers only like 3 situations were im shy
[x] Easy or hard-to-get? it depends on the guy! haha jk
[x] Dependent or independent? some one made me think i was dependent... but then i realized they werejust talking about themselfs
[x] Lefty or righty? right
[x] What time is it? 9:11
» F U T U R E «
[x] Where do you want to go to college? SVSU or a place in arizona
[x] What do you wanna be when you grow up? nurse anesitist
[x] What kind of car do you want? sun fire
[x] Do you want to get married? yes
[x] What age do you want to get married at? some tiem after 25
[x] What will be your wedding song? when i think about u i touch myself
[x] How many guests will be at the wedding? a ton
[x] Where do you want your honeymoon to be? tahti
[x] How many children do you want? i donno
[x] What time is it? 9:14... does it really matter?
» O T H E R «
[x] What kind of music do you listen to? everything
[x] What room are you in? the den
[x] What is the strangest habit you have? im a closet eater
[x] What is your best physical feature? i donno none
[x] What kind of car do you have? BMW z4
[x] What do you often do when you're bored? get on line or feast
[x] Do you like to joke around with people? all the time
[x] Do you get along with your parents? i do my dad... me and mom have some disagreements, alot
[x] What year do/did you graduate high school? 2008
[x] What's one thing about you that you would change? where i live and how i think about life and people
[x] What bothers you? when people chew with there mouth open
[x] What's the latest dream you've had? i cant say... my dreams are my wishes
[x] Are you a chocoholic? not really
[x] What could make you instantly happy? something to do!!... or my special someone
[x] Do you like getting your picture taken? it depends
[x] What time is it? 9:17... why are u askin?
» H A V E Y O U E V E R… «
[x] Met someone famous? yep
[x] Cheated on a test? me ... cheat... yea right!
[x] Cut your own hair? uhh a lil... other ppl have! alot !
[x] Skinny dipped? all the time
[x] Been on stage? yep
[x] Skipped school? tehe... for 11 days this semester
[x] Been out of the state? ya
[x] If so, which state(s) have you been to? alot that i dont feel like listing
[x] Been out of the country? yep
[x] Been in a car accident? no
[x] Stayed home on a Saturday? Ya,,, tonight god damnit
[x] Streaked? lol
[x] Toilet papered someone's house? ya
[x] Got toilet papered? not me... but my sisters and brothers
[x] Smoked weed? Never ever
[x] Been so drunk you puked? cant say i have
[x] Had sex in a pool/rain/roof of someone's car? who comes up with these things???
[x] Got in trouble with the cops? mm yes
[x] Went to a concert? yes
[x] If so, which one(s)? alot to lazy to write
[x] Sang karaoke? Yes, it was painful
[x] If so, did you have fun? check yes i did
[x] If so, what song(s) did you sing? alot in my day
[x] Sing the National Anthem in public? i love my country
[x] Gone caroling? yea
[x] Sang at a talent show? No
[x] Fallen asleep in class? no im a good student that always follows the rules
[x] Gone to jail/juvenille? yes i just got out???
[x] Been in the hospital? ya.
[x] Made your parents turn the car around on a trip? ya i forgot my pellow
[x] Been asked out by someone you didn't like? Yes
[x] Flashed someone? lol
[x] Ran away? to lindsays... does that count?
[x] Climbed out the window?all the time
[x] Given someone the finger? lol yes
[x] Talked back to a teacher? yep!
[x] Talked back to your parents? yes
[x] Thrown something at a teacher? haha good times
[x] Gotten lost on a vacation? yes
[x] Done someone else’s homework? other way around guys
[x] Said you loved someone and meant it? yes
[x] Called your boyfriend a jerk? never!!!
[x] Road on a roller coaster? i love em!
[x] Got lost in a store? that happens alot to me
[x] Got kicked out of a place? maybe... lol
[x] Broken a bone? my lil toe
[x] Tripped in public? pfft no way!
[x] Ran into a door in public? haha yep
[x] Memorized a song by hearing it once? parts of it
[x] Been on TV? yep
[x] Water-skied? i attempted... and i got scared
[x] Been on a jet ski? yes
[x] Snowmobiled? yes
[x] Made your mom come to school to give you something you forgot? ya
[x] Had someone over without telling your parents? what do u think?
[x] Been to a psychologist? ya
[x] Egged a house? no
[x] Been egged? No
[x] Pulled an all nighter? Yes
[x] Been online past midnight? when am i not
[x] What time is it? 9:25
» L A S T… «
[x] Thing you ate? juic box
[x] Thing you drank? PP sandwitch
[x] Thing you watched on TV? i walked through the living room and saw polar bears on tv
[x] Movie you watched? out cold... like i watched it
[x] Movie you rented? i donno
[x] Word you said? car
[x] Library book checked out? star girl
Song you listened to? the notion
[x] Person who called you? jordan
[x] Person you called? mike
[x] Person who IMed you? joso
[x] Person you IMed? joso
[x] Person you saw? dady
[x] Person you kissed? remember i dont give away my bfs names?
[x] Person you hugged? court
[x] Person to ride in your car? id drove my uncles car with court
[x] Person’s car you rode in? uncles
[x] Thing you bought? gum
[x] Restaurant you ate at? A W
[x] What time is it? 9:29