Apr 23, 2005 14:17
Quite happy that my dad is home! Though he is still pretty weak and will eat soft food for a while, it's still a good thing. My mom the nurse is preparing the room all nurse like. It's funny. After being at the hospital so many times in the past few weeks.. I'm kind of starting to think about doing the 4 year nursing program. Or even the 2 year at the college to get my RPN and then work for a bit and go back for the other 2 years at the university to get my RN. I don't know. I dunno. All I know is next year takin the psychs, cello, voice, french, a science, a math and maybe some education classes. And if my schedule works out okay.. I'll go back to dance classes. Then work on the weekends.
I go back to work soon!!! The 29th is my first official day back! I'm pumped.. but it's been nice to have nothing to do all the time :P Stupid hand! I find out on the 28th if I need hand surgery so that's a good thing. I also get my anxiety pills hopefully that day.. and start em up. Drinking and smoking will be cut back this summer, with lots of rollerblading with John and if Julie and Jer want to come too that would be awesome. EEEE fun.