Saturn Return

Aug 13, 2004 08:44

Someone in a LJ community had mentioned Saturn Returns to me. I'm trying to learn more about astrology, so did some research.

Saturn Returns
Each twenty-nine years naturally presents us with the challenge to rise to new levels of awareness, or face the consequences of having failed to gain the wisdom required so to do. When Saturn in the heavens returns to the zodiacal degree where he was placed in your birth chart, you are said to be experiencing your Saturn Return. This only happens once every 29 years, so at around age 28-30, 57-59 (and if you live long enough) 86-88 you have what astrologers call a Saturn Return. This signifies a time of transition, from one life-phase to the next. The first Saturn return (around age 28-30) marks the transition from the Phase of Youth to the Phase of Maturity; the second from the Phase of Maturity to the Phase of Wisdom. The last one, if reached, seems usually to mark the transition either to the next world or else back to a second childhood!

As the Saturn return approaches, often our lives seem to speed up, as if hurrying to clear out old baggage from the past, to lighten the load for the next stage. Important things that either finalize old issues, or prepare the ground for new developments tend to occur with increasing frequency. Relationships and major life-decisions are often the focal points for this clearing out of karmic baggage.

I also found a free mini reading online. Here's mine:

Dear Kristin,

Thank you for writing. Your Saturn is at 2 degrees Leo and your Return will be the first week in August 2005, a ways away.

This is what is will be about. Leo is about creativity, being special, feeling special, being a Queen and expressing yourself dramatically not melodramatically in the world.

In your third house means you may have been second rated because of siblings or perhaps you were an only child and this has affected your life. You are a very creative and artistic person with a lot of talent and things to develop in the future. You are quite psychic and this helps you tune in with your "audience" as it were.

You love people, are friendly and will always have lots of friends in return. This is important to you. Your biggest challenge in life is to accept change when it comes.

You are a powerful person and want to learn to control your daily routines and your workplace so that you can power up. Somtimes this means working alone or out of your home.

Good luck on your Saturn Return Kristin! You are getting your feet on the ground and will be making many new permanent decisions in the next year or two. Take the time to reevaluate your values and also talk to others about your issues. It will help!

I found this all quite interesting. Personally, I'm hoping for a job change during my Saturn Return. Or better yet, before then.

For me I see Astrology as a guide and a tool. Information to be used for life betterment. An astrology reading doesn't define you, it just identifies your patterns. You're still in charge of your own destiny.
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