Jul 30, 2008 01:12
Well, so here I sit, so to speak, recuperating from surgery to reconstruct my posterior cruciate ligament in my left knee.
I've been pondering something that has been bothering me most of the day. I've recently read and liked Stephenie Meyers' Twilight Series, not really to the same scale as I descended into HP fandom, but a solid appreciation of her work.
Now, I've been confronted with the flip side of her fandom. The loathers.
Loathers. A bit harsh or perjorative, you might think? I don't know of any other way to describe the animus of those who hate SM's creation or characters. It's rather funny in a way, as I read the reasons for hating or detesting her work. Many people argue that the craftsmanship of the work is simply awful, that the books should never have been published, her editors are either browbeaten to publish or are complete morons to do so.
But in reading her work, I don't find her that objectionable. And I find it ironic that she's denigrated for the opinion of some to compare her to JKR. They act as though it is the author's own hubris for daring to aspire to such a lofty literary icon. JKR has her own world and work, but nothing that she has done remains above comment or criticism.
There exists similarities in the most general sense between the work of the two, certainly since both are published within the YA market. But is it fair to hold one author as the epitome of great writing, when she really isn't that great a writer? Why does one author get lauded for her mangling of known mythologies to create her setting while another is derided for it?
And is this really about the quality of the story or the characters? As I examine the objections, I detect more than the occasional note of jealousy and envy. Many criticize SM, wondering how she could get published while they, obviously much more talented, languish in obscurity? Is this really about talent and good writing then or is it protest and denigration of an individual for their good fortune?
Or is this about not conforming with others? Since the Twilight fandom has grown and gone "mainstream", is it now time to eat one's own to prove you are cooler and more hip than others?
See, this is why I shouldn't be allowed a keyboard and laptop while on pain medications! :)