CM part 2 - charging the enchantments

Apr 21, 2005 10:27

I began charging sigils last night. I am a bit behind the class schedule but I suppose that is okay. I had intended to charge the sigils over the weekend but two factors stopped me: 1) I kept coming back to that sense of doubt. That thought in the back of my mind that maybe I didn’t focus on them as I should have. 2) When I looked at the sigils I had drawn they were so representative of what the intent was that I immediately knew which sigil was for what intent. So rather than charging those sigils I created all new ones. This time I did 8 and used the word method for each. I used clear and precise statements of intent that I had written out ahead of time so I relieved the worry of not having focused the intent properly. And using the word method I was able to make fairly nonsensical sigils that bore no resemblance to their designated intent and were therefore much easier the forget. I set them aside and have not thought of them since.

Last night I randomly drew 4 from the stack to charge. Actually, I started off just drawing 3. I wanted each to be charged in a different way so as to measure the effects of various techniques. When I created the sigils I numbered each one and made a corresponding list in my journal of the number matched with the intent. I did the same with charging them; I wrote down the number that appeared on the back of the sigil and what method was used in charging it. When the time limits have expired I will match up all of the lists and determine the effectiveness of each enchantment.

I lit my altar and did a rather informal banishing. The first sigil I charged with the death posture and asphyxiation. I sat on my knees, toes curled under, heels under my butt, back straight and with my hands I covered my eyes, pinched my nose closed, and plugged my ears. In this position I held my breath until unconsciousness felt imminent at which time I flung my hands forward to the floor, planting them one on each side of the sigil and exhaled sharply toward the sigil. I gazed into to sigil as I caught my breath and regain my sense of orientation. I then burned the sigil on the charcoal. I felt very accomplished in this - the method felt effective and the sigil resonated with the energy.

For the second I use bloodletting as my technique. I placed the sigil before me and gazed into it as I slashed my forearm. Unfortunately, I had really felt that it was important (for me at least) that I use my ritual knife rather than a razor. The knife was a little too dull to make a substantial cut. I ended up with several more minor slashes and quite a bit less blood than I would consider qualifying as a “bloodletting.” I persisted. I took the knife and used it to smear the blood into the sigil. After it was covered in blood, and the sigil no longer visible through the blood, I burned it saying, “As I will, so mote it be.” I didn’t say anything while burning the first one and afterwards thought that maybe I should have. This one I felt was effective mainly because I put a lot of energy into and emphasis on my blood but I feel that ill preparation dulled the delivery a bit.

The third enchantment I charge through orgasm. This was a bit different for me in that when normally charging a talisman through orgasm I am focused on the intent through the entire act but in this case the goal was to not think at all during the act and focus only on the sigil (not the intent) at the moment of orgasm. I found it very difficult to quiet my mind while masturbating and end up having to incorporate the mantra, “For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.” This helped me quiet the internal monologue and focus on the sigil. At the moment of orgasm I directed the energy into charging the sigil and then smeared it with the sexual fluids. I burned it saying, “As I will, so mote it be.” This felt effective. My focus really honed in on the charge at the end but I was disappointed in my ability to clear my mind. I must practice more meditation.

I had planned for that to be the last one but by that point I was really getting into the altered state I needed and was more than a little buzzed so I drew another one. The fourth one I charged through spinning. I held the sigil in front of my face at arms length and began to turn around in a circle. I gradually increased speed and once I was spinning very fast I closed my eyes but kept the sigil in place. I spun until I was very close to falling and then stopped suddenly, opened my eyes, and focused the motion into the enchantment of the sigil. WooHoo!! That one took a lot out of me. The room kept on spinning long after I had stopped. I staggered to the altar and burned the sigil saying, “As I will, so mote it be.”

When I was finished I “banished with laughter,” a technique uncommon to my repertoire but touted by PC in his books. It felt a little silly but that just made me laugh more. I focused on the stretching of my diaphragm as I did this and in the end felt relaxed and clear.

The rapid succession of the charges built up a very tangible energy. As a matter of fact, James had been out while I was doing all of this and made the comment that when he returned he could feel the “buzz” through the whole house. It took me almost and hour to return to normal consciousness. Over all, I am very pleased at the working. I plan to work the remaining sigils later in the week.

chaos magick

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