How many songs: 803
How many gigs: 2.77
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First Song: "#13", They Might Be Giants
Last Song: "Zooropa", U2
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Shortest Song: One of the tracks from "Fingertips" by They Might Be Giants, at 0:04. Shortest self-contained track is "Losers" by Moxy Fruvous, at 0:09. Shortest self-contained track with actual music is "The Mustard" from the BtVS musical soundtrack, at 0:19
Longest Song: "The Calling", Santana, 12:27
Sort by album
First Song: "Come Together", The Beatles
Last Song: "The Wanderer", U2
Top Five Most Played Songs:
1. "Something to Sing About", BtVS soundtrack
2. "Under Your Spell / Standing (Reprise)", BtVS soundtrack
3. "Standing", BtVS soundtrack
4. "Walk Through the Fire", BtVS soundtrack
5. "Where Do We Go from Here?", BtVS soundtrack
The next three are also from BtVS. Then finally at 9th there's a 5-way tie between "Somebody to Love" by Queen, "Boy In The Well" by R.E.M., "Light of Life" by Santana, and two more BtVS songs. (Obsess much, do I?)
First song that comes up on Shuffle:
"Switchblade", by Jefferson Starship
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"sex", how many songs come up? 1 -- "Amoré (Sexo)" by Santana
"death", how many songs come up? 0
"love", how many songs come up? 41
"you", how many songs come up? 77