Climate Change Denial Mused Upon

Feb 04, 2008 18:39

From The Angry Bear:

A little industry has arisen whose primary purpose is to throw gray dust into the facts surrounding global warming. I say "gray dust" purposively. It does not fool the thousands of scientists who are actually in the field, but it is enough to fool those with neither the time nor the ability to do any serious research. . . .

Unfortunately, those quips serve the purposes of the big boys--coal and oil and others--who have some serious money on the line. If I have learned anything from reading as ecletically as I have it is this: All things are connected. Study the ant you may understand how swarms function in nature...and maybe in economics. No politician would ever fund a study that examined the size of finch beaks over a period of time. Yet that study of the beaks of the Galapogos finch gave us profound insight into how populations evolve as resources change. All things are connected.

That was just a taste. It's a good read.

X-posted to boiling_frog.

energy & environment

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