A Question, For Anyone Who Owns an Electronic Reader

Apr 12, 2013 20:23

I think it's time to buy an electronic reader. I am agnostic on brand, but I prefer the electronic paper variety (simply because I think it would be easier to read and wouldn't eat batteries). I've looked at several and asked sales help everywhere, but I have yet to answer what I think would be a simple question.

To anyone out there: How do you excerpt a section from an e-book and move that excerpt off the device?

It seems a simple question, but all seem flummoxed. Oh, and I don't mean make a note about something; those notes disappear when the book does from your machine. What if the excerpt is on a library book (of which I read a lot)? That excerpt must come off the device through a relatively simple procedure.

I don't want to copy whole chapters here, just take a paragraph or two, but usually just a sentence. If anyone can do this on their reader, could you comment with the reader you have and the procedure? I'll give it a whirl in a store. (Not that I don't trust, but this problem has been vexing me so long I simply want to see it done myself before I plunk down the coin.)

Thanks to all!

bound bunches of words, neighborhood excitement

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